Programmes run by Non-Profit Organisations.

Phase 3 - Teritary Studies - by:   Go for Gold

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-10 - 2023-11-30

After Phase 2 our beneficiaries progress to Phase 3 with bursaries secured by Go for Gold partner companies in Phase 2. Go for Gold also sources external bursaries to ensure all students in their various years of study at tertiary institutions in Phase 3 are supported. Phase 3 our students who did not qualify for University are upskilled through remaining at our partner companies on Learnership. The rest of the cohort with qualifying marks enrol in tertiary studies at a University, University of Technology or TVET/FET College.   more >

Phase 4 - Employment - by:   Go for Gold

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: -

Once students graduate as technical professionals, Go for Gold utilise our partner companies network to employ them. However, if one of our partner companies provided a bursary or multiple-year bursaries, each partner has their own work-back agreements in place with students. For students who qualifed through Learnerships, they are often employed and retained by our partner companies. Phase 4 concludes the programme and we track our alumni throughout their professional development.   more >

Tiffany s After School Programme - by:   Miqlat NPC

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-10 - 2017-12-15

Tiffany's After School Programswas started in 2014 for primary and high school learners whose parents work full-time required and who required academic assistance with their homework and subject matter. As many children live in households where there is no quiet academic space, this service is very necessary. A further reason is the large number of learners per class at school, which means that teachers don't have time to give individual attention to learners who need additional help. Gangster operations and the insecurity of the area are also a reason why children after school should be housed in a safe area. Good attendance of the programs confirms the necessity of the programs. Together with the teaching, children are given a hearty meal. PROGRAMS OFFERED: Mathematics, Reading and Homework classes by trained teachers. Internet services for research for the learners' tasks, photostats and CVs are also a service that is provided to learners by the school. Miqlat offers a staff member for this service in the afternoon. Drama, Writing and Life Skills courses are presented by a qualified drama teacher from April to November for the Gangster children who are no longer active in the gangs. Ball Room Dancing Tuesdays and Thursdays. Gym for learners and the public. Netball and Basketball BENEFICIARIES Learners from Grades 4 to 12.Creche children (2 months to 5 years) who are enrolled in Tiffany's Day Care Center and are safely kept and taken care of until 17:00. Youth at Risk   more >

The Bowy (ECD) Programme - by:   Miqlat NPC

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-10 - 2018-12-15

The Bowy (ECD) Programme is focused on HIV/Aids, Malnutrition and TB children, aged 2 years to 5 years old, who are cared for and educated in partnership with Hospice. Primary care givers/mothers are assisted with job opportunities. The TAC (team around the child) consists of health professionals, an ECD teacher, an occupational therapist, nurses, home-based carers, a cook, social worker and volunteers. Our home and community-based programming includes home visits by the home-based carers, playgroups in our safe playground to reduce the risk of exposure to socials ills and monitoring to identify abnormal behaviour patterns in the children. The Bowy Programme has daily access to the Toy library for teaching material and toys.   more >

Tiffany s Day Care (ECD) Programme - by:   Miqlat NPC

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-10 - 2018-12-14

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Youth at Risk programme - by:   Miqlat NPC

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-15 - 2018-12-14

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Rise and shine afterschool care - by:   Rise and shine ASC

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2002-06-01 - 2040-12-04

.established in 998 by Mr.sonamzi and his wife , the governing body and the local community and it is a community based project.we start funded in year 2002 by dsd.and olso supported by community chest our focus was to help our children with their homework give nutrition while their are at work to keep them out of the streets , out of crime ,drug abuse , gangsterism ,child abuse fight poverty to those of poor pocketing community ,keep them busy with sport, games , art and culture,traditionl dancing outing camping , competition. Our aim was to fight the school dropout ,poor results ,read and especially those Multi racial schools we loosen tongues in language and spelling   more >

Other Programmes:Rise and shine af...  

Performing Arts Programme - by:   Amoyo Performing Arts Foundation

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-15 - 2018-12-14

Our attendees may attend any or all of the following classes offered in their age -appropriate groups Foundation 6 - 8 years old Ballet African Dance Speech & Drama Juniors 9 - 12 years old Ballet African Dance Speech & Drama Contemporary dance Rhythm & Music Singing / Musical Theatre Teens (13 - 14 years old) / Seniors 15 years plus), CORE (mixed ages 10 - 18 years old) Ballet African Dance Speech & Drama Contemporary dance Rhythm & Music Singing / Musical Theatre Life Skill Development Career Guidance / Mentorship Young Men of Change - a dedicated programme for our teen and senior boys. Djembe Drumming Mixed dance and performace art Mindset & Motivation and they are welcome to join all the other classes too.   more >

Other Programmes:Performing Arts P...  

Ithemba - by:   CAP

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2014-12-06 - 2020-12-06

Addressing social issues at school and prevention of school dropouts. Support schools to create a learning environment Support groups for parents and marginalized students. Creating opportunity's for youth that dropped out off school.   more >

Other Programmes:Ithemba  

Education: Learning support, Homework. tasks - by:   Gouda Learning Assistace and Aftercare

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2017-12-07 - 2017-12-15

Learners are helped in the areas they are struggling with.Educators help with homework. Research with tasks is done on the internet.   more >

Other Programmes:Education: Learni...  

Eden Programme - by:   The Sozo Foundation Trust

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2017-01-10 - 2017-12-02

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Butterfly House (Pre-school and afterschool) - by:   Butterfly House

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-15 - 2018-12-04

Specialised Pre school and afterschool programmes for community vulnerable and sick children focusing on health and wellness, safety and security, Education and Health Literacy and a hopeful future   more >

Other Programmes:Butterfly House (...  

Performing Arts Clubs - by:   Jungle Theatre Company

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-24 - 2018-11-30

During the course of 2016 and 2017, Jungle Theatre Company (JTC)has facilitated 4 performing arts clubs for grade 4 - 6 learners in Khayelitsha, Muizenberg and Kalksteenfontein. With the aim to inspire learners to participate in the programme, JTC performed set off the programme by performing several Jungle shows. Subsequently auditions were arranged and learners were selected. The clubs then met on a weekly basis with 8 sessions per term..The first term focussed on story telling skills. The participants will also preview a story telling show and get feedback from young children in their communities. In the second term the children learned performing arts skills, preview a mime and music show and get feedback from their peers in their own communities. The third term focussed on characters from African mythology for carnival arts skills training culminating in a spring parade at the Muizenberg Festival. In the final term participants brought together storytelling, mime, mask, music skills and made a play based on an indigenous story which they performed for family and friends. The Jungle Performing Arts Clubs will use cultural stories and heritage as a framework to build self -worth and identity and increase the value of arts and culture in communities through consultation with stakeholders; addressing community needs; promotion of arts; audience development and creative industry entrepreneurship. Only the Muizenberg Club is continuing in 2018 at this stage.   more >

Other Programmes:Performing Arts C...  

Training and mentoring - by:   Khululeka Grief Support

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-07

Our signature training workshop is a 4 day workshop specifically designed for those working in the child sector, including community child care workers, teachers, nurses and social workers. It contains some theories and tools designed to help adults reflect on their own grief histories and processes; detailed information regarding each developmental stage and relating concept of death, grief response and appropriate way to provide support; factual information about the most common contexts of premature death in the Western Cape i.e. HIV and AIDS, TB, violence and road accidents, and the importance of and how to convey this in an age appropriate way; advice about how to support bereaved children including the practicalities of running grief and loss support groups; a range of simple physical therapies and techniques that can be used to de-stress and emotionally contain children and adults; specific examples of activities and exercises designed to facilitate particular group and individual processes including e.g. feeling depressed, isolated, angry; and, finally, resources for referral   more >

Other Programmes:Training and ment...  

This is me - a process of fostering a sense of belonging in youth within a residential setting - by:   Lawrence House

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31

The aim of the program is to guide young people on self-discovery journeys to revive their cultural roots, define new ways of belonging and discover and own their identity. Building a sense of self, recognizing and defining your identity and experiencing belonging can enhance well-being and resilience within young lives. Creative expression can support young people to build self-awareness and self-confidence. Using a creative approach allows for young people to recognize the forms of knowledge and identities that exist within them. An important part of this work for young people at Lawrence House is locating a relationship between the past and the present people and to imagine new connections between the personal and the collective.   more >

Other Programmes:This is me - a pr...  

MOT Life-skills Education Programmes - by:   MOT South Africa

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-08 - 2018-12-07

MOT offers two programmes; one for learners between the ages of 12 and 16 years and one offered at TVET Colleges for students between the ages of 16 and 35 years. To ensure transformational change amongst individuals and in learning environments, the MOT programmes are implemented on a long-term and structured basis. The MOT sessions, based on highly regarded behavioural theories, draw on methodologies of interactive group discussions, games, role-plays, story-telling and self-reflection to enhance the learning outcomes and behavioural change. The youth love the learning experiences provided by the trained MOT coaches. The MOT sessions create interactive and supportive learning opportunities for youth to learn about themselves and to overcome inter-racial, language and cultural barriers. MOT builds trust in youth that they have the potential to make conscious choices, that will enable them to be successful in life. MOT focuses on being proactive; to avoid high-risk behaviour by thinking about the consequences. The life and critical thinking skills of young people are developed for them to make conscious choices that will help them achieve their life goals and dreams. The trained MOT coaches are provided with instruction manuals and each session has specific learning outcomes. Through interactive and experiential learning, the youth actively participate in their personal and interpersonal growth and development. MOT SA is accredited by the Services Seta as a training provider.   more >

Other Programmes:MOT Life-skills E...  

# Be the Dream Program - by:   DREAM FACTORY FOUNDATION

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2017-01-18 - 2017-11-30

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Other Programmes:# Be the Dream Pr...  

Schoool Curriculum Based Interactive Workshops - by:   Beyond Expectation Environmental Project

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2017-01-23 - 2017-12-04

BEEP realised that its not enough to insists that -education is the key to life -, as our current educational syllabus doesn't seem to provide pupils with any learnings that are skill orientated or that are intended to help them to unlock their skills, nurture and sharpen their skills for the betterment of their future especially at the young age. It is that reason BEEP invests through its daily workshops in 8 different schools in services such as leadership development, confidence building, capacity building, literacy skills development, mentorship, motivational talks development, agricultural or food security skills and most importantly entrepreneurial skills. Therefore BEEP in partnership with UCT (Global Risk Governance Program) runs daily Curriculum Based Interactive Workshops in 8 different schools as mentioned above. BEEP work with these pupils from grade 5 until grade 12 and the workshops are currently been ran by the same pupils who are also the beneficiaries of the program but whom are in higher grades. BEEP mentors its beneficiaries from grade 8 until they get to University and Beyond. It must be said that the BEEP staff and its volunteers are made of its beneficiaries. BEEP also takes these beneficiaries on trips up Table Mountain in order for them to reconnect with nature and to connect with themselves whilst learning about the importance of looking after their own environmental hence we call ourselves Beyond Expectation Environmental Project.   more >

Other Programmes:Schoool Curriculu...  

Full School Programme - by:   Mellon Housing Inititative t/a Mellon Educate

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-01-15 - 2022-12-15

Mellon Educate Team, Social Worker, Training and development and mentoring of school educators and principals, Science laboratory, Technology in classrooms and library, Library - system books, computers and Wi-Fi, Librarian, School security, Parent and community development programme, After school programme and nutrition, Sports coach and equipment.   more >

Other Programmes:Full School Progr...  

ActionArte s - Kids in play - by:   The ActionArte Foundation SA

Accredited: Not Accredited
Running from: 2018-02-07 - 2017-11-29

Circus for social change! ActionArte's -kids in play- program is creating a magical space for kids and youth outside their realities, where anything is possible! Through play and tools of circus skills we learn, inspire and grow. ActionArte explores circus as a launch pad for physical, playful activities developing high quality performance skills. Providing a safe place for children and youth to explore and express creativity, the organization seeks to build social relations across communities and collectively imagine a stronger unity with you self, each other and the society. ActionArte strives for circus arts to be recognized by educational, art, culture and social development bodies; as a means to create strong, positive, self thinking, creative citizens that can and will make the better future of South Africa and the world.   more >

Other Programmes:ActionArte s - Ki...  

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