Districts [All]
Objectives [All]


Programmes (2):
Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.
Programmes (2):
Cluster Project by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
The Cluster Project - a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with specific project schools in collaboration with the Education Department, benefiting over 300 teachers per cycle. PSPs Cluster Project works in collaboration with the Education Department. It is a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with foundation phase Mathematics teachers and intermediate phase Natural Sciences & Technology (NST) teachers, from small clusters of schools identified by the Department as the most in need.

Reader Rescue by Kadesh International
Reader Rescue focuses on the holistic development of learners. It encompasses literacy, sport, academic support ,social integration, environmental awareness and life skills.
Programmes (1):
Waves for Change Surf Therapy by Waves for Change
Waves for Change provides a child friendly mental health service to at-risk youth living in unstable, volitile and disadvantagedcommunities. Through access to safe spaces, caring mentors and the provision of weekly surf therapy sessions, W4C gives children the skills to cope with stress, regulate behaviour, build healing relationships and ultimately make positive life choices.W4C works in partnership with local community members, who we train, mentor and resource to open programmes that identify and service the youth of their home communities. We target young people exposed to repeat stressful events, who lack supportive adults, feel negatively about themselves and adopt challenging behaviour patterns, reducing life chances. Our surf therapy programme assists participants to develop positive self-identities, adopt pro-social behaviour patterns, emotional stability, and autonomy. The weekly surf therapy sessions teach participants key skills, including listen to each other, share with each other, respect each others feelings, meditate and breathing, identify strengths, learn to calm down, learn how to channel energy, positive decision making, and identify how to apply skills in real life.
Programmes (4):
Live Music Performances by South African Association for Jazz Education
This programme aims to develop an interest in and appreciation of live music by showcasing music performances and conducting workshops at schools in urban and rural areas of the Western Cape.

Kasi Theatre by One Love Generation
The Kasi theatre program is a community based center/theatre (soon to be built) where youth and community members will be invited for different events and program hosting to facilitate the organizations main core projects and programs. The theatre will be a platform for holding the following events, projects and programs. Our target mission is to have 40 theatres in 9 provinces by 2020.

THE IDENTITY TRAP is the 21st Century Teenager/young adults solution to developing a unique individual IDENTITY which challenges limiting beliefs and instead encourages and heightens SELF ESTEEM. The result of increased Self Esteem = enhanced personal, academic and LIFE achivement THE IDENTITY TRAP imparts on teenagers ( or tweens) the skills to becoming their OWN CHAMPION and HERO / SHERO through the edgey approach to discussing and understanding topics which enthrall the teenage mind. THE IDENTITY TRAP workshops are interactive discussional and encourage maximum understanding, participation and ultimately a unique approach to education

shaka zulu by Mhlwehlwe
Programmes (1):
Maths Tutoring by Will Co
Tutor maths
Programmes (2):
Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.

Performing arts by Young Creative Centre
Music and dance
Programmes (2):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
Holiday Programme by Cape Leopard Trust
The annual holiday programme runs during the winter school holiday and provide up to 20 participants with a magical 10-day experience. Participants explore local resources such as the Two Oceans Aquarium, Natural History Museum and Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. They could even visit sites offered by our Day Excursions options. They take part in activities ranging from hiking and kayaking to learning about caracals being collared in the mountains and creating art from natural objects and clay. Topics vary depending on the group interest and the age of the participants.
Programmes (1):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (1):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.
Programmes (1):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.
Programmes (1):
OMFL: Opera is My First Language by The Cape Town Opera Company
Weekly in-school music education programs at government and LSEN (special needs) schools in the Western Cape: Vredenburg, Retreat and Khayelitsha. Students are involved in learning to sing, read music, acting and creating youth operas which are then performed for their peers. These students attend Cape Town Opera professional opera and musical productions in Cape Town. CTO also works with schools for visually impaired children by providing sign-language interpreted performances, and also co-opts NPO community arts organisations to provide partnerships between OMFL learners and youth visual arts programs practitioners, who jointly create theatrical scenery and costumes for OMFL school productions alongside CTO's EPWP (Expanded Public Works Program) design intern. All involvement with OMFL is provided free to beneficiaries, including all teaching and instruction, transport, performance and theatre attendance opportunities.
ATLANTIS VOLWASSE ONDERWYS SENH/v Hermes- & Grosvenorlaan, ou Sateliet Polisie Stasie, SAXON-SEA, ATLANTIS, Saxonsea, ATLANTIS
Programmes (1):
After schoolarts by Busie arts
give access to learners of arts tools and the background of visual arts
Programmes (2):
Education: Learning support, Homework. tasks by Gouda Learning Assistace and Aftercare
Learners are helped in the areas they are struggling with.Educators help with homework. Research with tasks is done on the internet.

Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
BARDALE PRIM.c/o Parliament & , Councillor Street, MFULENI, BLACKHEATH, Bardale, MFULENI , METRO NORTH
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Rural Outreach Programme by Dance for All
In response to the need in rural communities for extra-curricular activities, DFA extended its Outreach programme to include the rural areas of Barrydale, Worcester and Paarl. Students from both farm and village schools participate in weekly dance classes, which form part of their schools arts and culture curricula. Classes are held in a safe and structured environment, and every student is welcome to join a dance class. Those dance students who show promise of a possible professional dance career, whether in performing or teaching, attend an additional fortnightly advanced class.
Programmes (1):
Diversion Program by First Community Resource Centre
This programme is suitable for School learners aged 13-19.Those who are currently caught in drugs and high risk behaviours.We current run a 6 week behavior modification program with the learners.Theses are learners referred to our programme by the school in our community.
Programmes (1):
Project C.R.E.A.T.E. (Community Rehabilitation Empowering Artists Through Edutainment) by Heal the Hood Project
To bring about change amongst youth in South Africa by increasing their knowledge about their democratic and human rights. We intend doing this with a modern approach fusing the core objective into popular youth culture forms using multimedia and skills transfer workshops. In this multi-tiered approach Heal the Hood will not only be teaching pupils the elements of Hip Hop ( Rap, Urban Dance, Graffiti, DJ), Film making & editing and Event Management we will also be imparting life skills, knowledge of self, childrens rights, democratic practices and rights.
Programmes (2):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (2):
THE IDENTITY TRAP is the 21st Century Teenager/young adults solution to developing a unique individual IDENTITY which challenges limiting beliefs and instead encourages and heightens SELF ESTEEM. The result of increased Self Esteem = enhanced personal, academic and LIFE achivement THE IDENTITY TRAP imparts on teenagers ( or tweens) the skills to becoming their OWN CHAMPION and HERO / SHERO through the edgey approach to discussing and understanding topics which enthrall the teenage mind. THE IDENTITY TRAP workshops are interactive discussional and encourage maximum understanding, participation and ultimately a unique approach to education

Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (2):
Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 to 6) Mathematics Support by The Principals Academy
This programme commenced in 2015. Intermediate phase teachers from these schools who teach Mathematics, attend one-hour workshops in the afternoons after school, on a weekly basis (approximately 8 workshops per term). Programme design process. establishing in the learners a strong foundational knowledge of Maths tables, bonds and general numeracy skills through the Mental Maths programme building learners knowledge of the concepts required in the curriculum with the emphasis on the use of concrete materials leading to understanding followed by targeted practice equipping teachers with a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject improving teaching skills and methodology covering concepts required by the WCED CAPS curriculum developing effective assessment tools and processes

Early Childhood Development (ECD Grade R) and Foundation Phase (Grades 1 to 3) Support by The Principals Academy
This programme commenced in 2016. The ECD and Foundation Phase support takes place during the school day with the Teacher Support Programme (TSP) coaches working in the classroom with the teachers, modelling good practice while guiding and supporting teachers in their own practice. Most of the focus is on Grades R and 1, in line with national imperative on the importance of ECD. As with the other programmes, these visits take place on a weekly basis but in this case the TSP coach spends most of an entire school day at each school.
Programmes (2):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
iKasi Media "This is Me!" by iKasi Media
This is me will be an after school six week project, where up to thirty learners will be chosen through a selection process, Group One will consist of learners who will have submitted Selfie videos of dance, rap, singing or poetry. The selected learners will be placed into specific workshops run by subject matter experts. This is to assist these learners to develop their natural talent and create a unique product. Workshops will include choreography & dance, vocal training, beat making, stage performance, poetry and life skills will be a strong focus through all these sessions. Group Two is aimed at learners who have a different talent. For them we will host an exciting MOJO workshop, where we skill them to film using their mobile phones. These learners will become the digital story tellers of the project and will be assigned to an artist to film In-the-life-of style video clips. Once all the training and production has been completed, the project will be concluded in a Showcase where the videos filmed by learners will be screened and the artists will take to the stage. This showcase will be professionally filmed, a copy will be delivered to Cape Town TV for broadcast and DVD copies will be available through the schools as a keepsake.
Programmes (2):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.

Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (1):
iKasi Media "This is Me!" by iKasi Media
This is me will be an after school six week project, where up to thirty learners will be chosen through a selection process, Group One will consist of learners who will have submitted Selfie videos of dance, rap, singing or poetry. The selected learners will be placed into specific workshops run by subject matter experts. This is to assist these learners to develop their natural talent and create a unique product. Workshops will include choreography & dance, vocal training, beat making, stage performance, poetry and life skills will be a strong focus through all these sessions. Group Two is aimed at learners who have a different talent. For them we will host an exciting MOJO workshop, where we skill them to film using their mobile phones. These learners will become the digital story tellers of the project and will be assigned to an artist to film In-the-life-of style video clips. Once all the training and production has been completed, the project will be concluded in a Showcase where the videos filmed by learners will be screened and the artists will take to the stage. This showcase will be professionally filmed, a copy will be delivered to Cape Town TV for broadcast and DVD copies will be available through the schools as a keepsake.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
Live Music Performances by South African Association for Jazz Education
This programme aims to develop an interest in and appreciation of live music by showcasing music performances and conducting workshops at schools in urban and rural areas of the Western Cape.

Going Places Network Programme by Dress for Success Cape Town
Many Dress for Success clients have been negatively affected by todays job market and face circumstantial challenges in finding a new position. The Going Places Network offers a 10-week support to women who have participated in our Suiting Program but have not yet secured a job. Clients meet for three hours each week, attend a workshop series on relevant job search topics, network with fellow participants, and receive additional one-on-one job search support in the Career Centre
Programmes (1):
Leadership Development by Foundation Backbone
Through Leadership Programmes and by focussing on Personal Growth and Development, we help shaping the lives of underprivileged children to rise above their challenging circumstances. Our annual program is build on 4 pillars of Leadership elements and include Values, Relationships, Communication, Conflict and Decision Making. The kids are exposed to venues in and around Cape Town and we teach the elements of leadership through fun activities. We reward their commitment with a camp at the end of the year.
Programmes (2):
Dare to stand out mentorship program -D2SO by Open Door Community Foundation
The reason we are a Youth Desk is because we deal directly as young people with other young people who struggle with finding their purpose as we are purpose pushers. The desk encourages and enables young people to participate actively in identifying the causes of youth violence and crime, and to collaborate in creating social crime prevention strategies for their communities. We work with other youth and youth groups to develop projects that are attractive, sustainable and implementable, and to respond to the specific safety needs of their communities. Initiatives Includes o Ongoing leadership and mentorship training for Youth Desk volunteers. o Peer educational support. Ongoing counselling, educational workshops. o Community upliftment programs. One day booth camps. o Youth Summit for change camps and workshops o School holiday programs and excursions. o Motivational talks at school assemblies, parent meetings and community initiatives. o Substance abuse & anti-gangsterism. Youth in our communities do not unnecessarily want to be gangsters and drug users, but they do so because of various factors such as absence of positive role models, broken home, negative peer group pressure and bullying lack of recreational facilities in our our communities, and lack of real interest by authorities in them and communities. We foresee that this project will in a very big way address some of these factors, , but importantly so, to develop also an entrepreneurial spirit amongst them.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.

Reading Eggs by 3P Learning
Reading Eggs supports learners reading skills with carefully designed online reading games and activities which are easy to follow, student-driven, progressional and highly engaging. Reading is just part of the adventure! Programme has an online library of over 2500 aged readers, all with online quiz driving reading with meaning.

Holiday Programme by Cape Leopard Trust
The annual holiday programme runs during the winter school holiday and provide up to 20 participants with a magical 10-day experience. Participants explore local resources such as the Two Oceans Aquarium, Natural History Museum and Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. They could even visit sites offered by our Day Excursions options. They take part in activities ranging from hiking and kayaking to learning about caracals being collared in the mountains and creating art from natural objects and clay. Topics vary depending on the group interest and the age of the participants.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.
Programmes (3):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Reading Eggs by 3P Learning
Reading Eggs supports learners reading skills with carefully designed online reading games and activities which are easy to follow, student-driven, progressional and highly engaging. Reading is just part of the adventure! Programme has an online library of over 2500 aged readers, all with online quiz driving reading with meaning.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (1):
The GIRLOLOGY workshops are tailored around SELF BELIEF SELF ESTEEM SELF LOVE and SELF RESPECT and explore limiting beliefs and low self worth which ultimately inhibit women from becoming the CHAMPION and SHERO she is capable of being. During interactive forums and facilitation the workshops explore perceptions and and it is highlighted that by changing ATTITUDE, and BEHAVIOUR stepping out of traditional comfort zones and trying something new ..anything in life is possible. Humiliation during monthly menstruation ,HIV infection, Rape, Domestic Violence, Teenage/Unmarried Pregnancy, Substance Abuse, Peer Pressure and Society Demands all have a potentially negative impact on girls education and life.- The GIRLOLOGY workshop objective is to CHANGE all of this . The message during the workshops is that the young women are in charge of their lives , bodies and choices and through the right CHOICES can break away from limiting thoughts and beliefs which no longer serve them and instead have the confidence To HARNESS DREAMS and LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST .
Programmes (1):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (6):
After School Programme by Amy Foundation formerly The Amy Biehl Foundation
Our Amy Foundation After School Programme (ASP) currently operates five afterschool centres: Mimosa Primary (Bonteheuwel), iSigcawu Primary (Crossroads), Siyazingisa Primary (Gugulethu), Bongolethu Primary (Philippi), and Impendulo Primary (Khayelitsha). Each of our After School Centres (ASCs) are open to all local learners aged 5 - 18, not only those students who attend the school at which our ASP operates. Each of our After School Centres (ASCs) operate daily, Monday - Thursday, from 15h00 - 17h30. Impendulo Primary ASC in Khayelitsha runs Monday - Friday. Our After School Programme (ASP) offers learners a variety of programmes/disciplines. Learners have a choice of which class they attend and are strongly encouraged to attend a class for at least a term before changing classes. Some learners choose to attend the same class for several years, while others choose to 'sample' a variety of classes over the years, spending time in one class and then going on to another. Each class falls under a larger 'Programme', as such the Amy Foundation ASP is currently comprised of five programmes, which are: Sport (including soccer, hockey, cricket, netball, rugby); Arts and Culture (including traditional dance, Kwaito dance, Pantsula dance, choir, brass instruments, marimba, gumboots dance, drama); Academic Support (including tutoring classes geared towards specific grade-levels, literacy, maths/numeracy); Life Skills (including Peer Education); and Greening and Environmental classes.

Learner Education Support: Primary by Beautiful Gate South Africa
Provide after school academic support, personal development and a conducive learning environment to primary school learners.

Schoool Curriculum Based Interactive Workshops by Beyond Expectation Environmental Project
BEEP realised that its not enough to insists that -education is the key to life -, as our current educational syllabus doesn't seem to provide pupils with any learnings that are skill orientated or that are intended to help them to unlock their skills, nurture and sharpen their skills for the betterment of their future especially at the young age. It is that reason BEEP invests through its daily workshops in 8 different schools in services such as leadership development, confidence building, capacity building, literacy skills development, mentorship, motivational talks development, agricultural or food security skills and most importantly entrepreneurial skills. Therefore BEEP in partnership with UCT (Global Risk Governance Program) runs daily Curriculum Based Interactive Workshops in 8 different schools as mentioned above. BEEP work with these pupils from grade 5 until grade 12 and the workshops are currently been ran by the same pupils who are also the beneficiaries of the program but whom are in higher grades. BEEP mentors its beneficiaries from grade 8 until they get to University and Beyond. It must be said that the BEEP staff and its volunteers are made of its beneficiaries. BEEP also takes these beneficiaries on trips up Table Mountain in order for them to reconnect with nature and to connect with themselves whilst learning about the importance of looking after their own environmental hence we call ourselves Beyond Expectation Environmental Project.

Learner support programme by Edunova
Improved spelling through word recognition Improve vocabulary, communication and reading of content in across all subject areas and question papers with a solid understanding English terminology Develop a fondness for reading in general Development of technology skills through teaching and learning

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

The IT Entrepreneur (ITE) programme by Edunova
The ITE Programme is designed to support the use of ICT in schools by recruiting, placing, training, developing and mentoring young adults to carry out this work This programme is for both primary and high schools The assumption is that a number of schools participate as cluster This programme provides the young adult with a training programme to dramatically improve their chance of being employed The ongoing lack of ICT skills in the school environment enables this programme to be viable, well received and effective The programme is much more than an ICT course and supports the young adult in developing a well-rounded set of skills enabling him/her to be prepared for a range of work opportunities
Programmes (1):
Ithemba by CAP
Addressing social issues at school and prevention of school dropouts. Support schools to create a learning environment Support groups for parents and marginalized students. Creating opportunity's for youth that dropped out off school.
Programmes (1):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (1):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (1):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (2):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
Wilderness Camps by Cape Leopard Trust
All camps have an underlying goal, which is that young people develop an understanding of and connection with the wilderness. We use a combination of adventure, art and science to this end. Topics/ themes to be covered are discussed with teachers and group leaders or we present a tailor-made package of activities for the 3-5 day camps in the Cederberg. Themes include: Animals of the Western Cape Leopard and caracal research Black eagle research Human-wildlife conflict Animal tracking Rock art and archaeology Astronomy Fynbos biomes Birds and insects pollination Reptiles and scorpions Geology Geography Survival and navigation skills Art, writing and photography Life skills and self-development Trips can be adapted according to the curriculum and the interests of a particular group, or to address current conservation challenges. This year we have placed particular emphasis on teaching children about saving water, as well as the effects of fire and drought. Activities include hiking to learn more about leopards and other animals of the Western Cape, learning about other forms of biodiversity, cave exploration, visiting rock art sites, night walks, astronomy and scorpion searches.
Programmes (2):
Youth Capture- community performing arts and cultural outreach empowerment program for youth by Bridgetown Theatre Company
Our research and hands on experience has proven that our program is valuable because we envisage: To teach dance, drama and music as a extramural activity to high and primary school students in the culturally deprived and previously disadvantage area of Bridgetown and surr areas. The teaching will occur at the Bridgetown High school and Bridgetown Community centre everyday from Monday to Friday from 3pm to 8pm and Saturday from 10am to 2pm in a set time table that features, dance, drama, music, music instruments, acting, scriptwriting theatre making as tool for to bring about awareness for social change and filmmaking The teaching will be outcomes based and culminated in a spectacular musical productions series called Youth Capture 1, 2, 3, 4;5;6; 7; 8; 9; 10. The performers in the musical will be the students from the schools, unemployed youth and university students. The teachers in the program will be unemployed youth from the areas. That will receiving training in a mentorship program . The musical performances will be staged at the Cape Town City Council owned pristine open air Athlone Nantes Amphitheatre Youth Day 16 June18; Heritage Day 21 September18; Reconciliation day 16 December 18- Silvertown; Baxter dance festival-Oct18, Artscape drama festival- May 18, Artscape school arts festival- August18 , Grandwest arena High school Jam-..August18; Suidooser fees- Nov18 & Jan19 Entrance to the performance is FREE. A family event.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.

Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 to 6) Mathematics Support by The Principals Academy
This programme commenced in 2015. Intermediate phase teachers from these schools who teach Mathematics, attend one-hour workshops in the afternoons after school, on a weekly basis (approximately 8 workshops per term). Programme design process. establishing in the learners a strong foundational knowledge of Maths tables, bonds and general numeracy skills through the Mental Maths programme building learners knowledge of the concepts required in the curriculum with the emphasis on the use of concrete materials leading to understanding followed by targeted practice equipping teachers with a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject improving teaching skills and methodology covering concepts required by the WCED CAPS curriculum developing effective assessment tools and processes

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.
Programmes (1):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (1):
MOT Life-skills Education Programmes by MOT South Africa
MOT offers two programmes; one for learners between the ages of 12 and 16 years and one offered at TVET Colleges for students between the ages of 16 and 35 years. To ensure transformational change amongst individuals and in learning environments, the MOT programmes are implemented on a long-term and structured basis. The MOT sessions, based on highly regarded behavioural theories, draw on methodologies of interactive group discussions, games, role-plays, story-telling and self-reflection to enhance the learning outcomes and behavioural change. The youth love the learning experiences provided by the trained MOT coaches. The MOT sessions create interactive and supportive learning opportunities for youth to learn about themselves and to overcome inter-racial, language and cultural barriers. MOT builds trust in youth that they have the potential to make conscious choices, that will enable them to be successful in life. MOT focuses on being proactive; to avoid high-risk behaviour by thinking about the consequences. The life and critical thinking skills of young people are developed for them to make conscious choices that will help them achieve their life goals and dreams. The trained MOT coaches are provided with instruction manuals and each session has specific learning outcomes. Through interactive and experiential learning, the youth actively participate in their personal and interpersonal growth and development. MOT SA is accredited by the Services Seta as a training provider.
Programmes (1):
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
MOT Life-skills Education Programmes by MOT South Africa
MOT offers two programmes; one for learners between the ages of 12 and 16 years and one offered at TVET Colleges for students between the ages of 16 and 35 years. To ensure transformational change amongst individuals and in learning environments, the MOT programmes are implemented on a long-term and structured basis. The MOT sessions, based on highly regarded behavioural theories, draw on methodologies of interactive group discussions, games, role-plays, story-telling and self-reflection to enhance the learning outcomes and behavioural change. The youth love the learning experiences provided by the trained MOT coaches. The MOT sessions create interactive and supportive learning opportunities for youth to learn about themselves and to overcome inter-racial, language and cultural barriers. MOT builds trust in youth that they have the potential to make conscious choices, that will enable them to be successful in life. MOT focuses on being proactive; to avoid high-risk behaviour by thinking about the consequences. The life and critical thinking skills of young people are developed for them to make conscious choices that will help them achieve their life goals and dreams. The trained MOT coaches are provided with instruction manuals and each session has specific learning outcomes. Through interactive and experiential learning, the youth actively participate in their personal and interpersonal growth and development. MOT SA is accredited by the Services Seta as a training provider.

Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.

Eco-Clubs by Cape Leopard Trust
The eco-clubs are an effective way to have a longer interaction with groups to build on a theme over a series of activities and outings. The goal of the eco clubs is to support the initial stages of a school based club that will continue after the involvement of The Cape Leopard Trust. Themes vary depending on the interest and focus of a club; however, most eco clubs do at least six sessions with an Environmental Educator. Sessions will usually include school based activities such as presentations, a sustainability assessment of the building or planting a vegetable garden. A club will also include various outings to local nature reserves where students may learn how to do a river water assessment, explore caves or challenge themselves with a hike.
Programmes (1):
External Partnership Programme by help2read
This programme is help2reads way of extending our reach by partnering with Corporates, NGOs, children's homes, places of safety and other programmes that focus on youth development and support. Caregivers are offered the training and the partners are provided with the necessary resources to assist children with reading. Partnerships are formed with teacher training institutions to ensure that teachers are able to learn how to assist learners with reading specifically.
Programmes (1):
The GIRLOLOGY workshops are tailored around SELF BELIEF SELF ESTEEM SELF LOVE and SELF RESPECT and explore limiting beliefs and low self worth which ultimately inhibit women from becoming the CHAMPION and SHERO she is capable of being. During interactive forums and facilitation the workshops explore perceptions and and it is highlighted that by changing ATTITUDE, and BEHAVIOUR stepping out of traditional comfort zones and trying something new ..anything in life is possible. Humiliation during monthly menstruation ,HIV infection, Rape, Domestic Violence, Teenage/Unmarried Pregnancy, Substance Abuse, Peer Pressure and Society Demands all have a potentially negative impact on girls education and life.- The GIRLOLOGY workshop objective is to CHANGE all of this . The message during the workshops is that the young women are in charge of their lives , bodies and choices and through the right CHOICES can break away from limiting thoughts and beliefs which no longer serve them and instead have the confidence To HARNESS DREAMS and LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST .
Programmes (3):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.

Ek Se by Cape Town TV
Ek S is a one hour, daily (Monday - Friday), live magazine programme. The programme is produced by and for youth including a group of 15 interns and volunteers who benefit from on-the-job training at CTV as well as a network of community-based youth structures and film schools who submit community-generated content for inclusion in the show. Ek S targets 16 - 28 year olds on the Cape flats and is aimed at: Providing a platform for youth to engage in a conversation about challenges and opportunities in education and training. Promoting youth peer education on health and social development issues such as substance abuse, gangsterism, teenage pregnancy and STD's; Celebrating youth culture and showcasing local talent in the performing and visual arts; Creating training and employment opportunities in television for unemployed youth; Highlighting economic opportunities including enterprise development and job skills. The one hour show is divided into 15 minutes segments covering a wide range of topics including current affairs, social development issues, science & technology, sports, fashion, education & careers, health & sexuality, events, arts and entertainment. If it is funky and fresh, you will find it on Ek S. Through inserts, events coverage, music videos, social media, community-generated content, studio debates and interviews the show provides a platform for the range of opportunities, innovations and alternatives that are available to the youth today.

Innovate the Cape by Innovate South Africa
Innovate the Cape is a high school innovation challenge. An innovation ignition team runs design thinking workshops with youth around Cape Town asking learners to come up with solutions to local problems. The learners submit their ideas which are evaluated by an international judging panel. The the top groups are chosen to go through a prototyping phase. Each group is given seed funding, mentors and attend design thinking and entrepreneurship workshops to help them kickstart their ideas. At the end of the prototyping phase the groups have a final showcase to pitch for further funding.
Programmes (12):
ICT integration training - by OSADECK
Pathway of courses in: LMS Moodle System; e-Content creation; e-Pedagogy Courses over 8 sessions

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.

Heart for Art by The Butterfly Art Project
This is an extra curricular art program that include art therapeutic principles into all our art lessons.

Heart for art by The Butterfly Art Project
Extra curricular art activities for learners with in a marginalized community.

Youth Cafe by The Sozo Foundation Trust
Life skills programme: Technical skills Barista Hairdressing Beauty Brickwork Carpentry etc

Eden Programme by The Sozo Foundation Trust
Sozo Eden is a holistic vegetable gardening programme run in Vrygrond, one of the poorest townships in Cape Town. Over 80% of households in low-income areas in Cape Town, including Vrygrond, are food insecure (African Food Security Urban Network, 2008). Were combating this by equipping and empowering low-income families to provide nutritious food for their households by developing individual vegetable gardens.

Performing Arts Clubs by Jungle Theatre Company
During the course of 2016 and 2017, Jungle Theatre Company (JTC)has facilitated 4 performing arts clubs for grade 4 - 6 learners in Khayelitsha, Muizenberg and Kalksteenfontein. With the aim to inspire learners to participate in the programme, JTC performed set off the programme by performing several Jungle shows. Subsequently auditions were arranged and learners were selected. The clubs then met on a weekly basis with 8 sessions per term..The first term focussed on story telling skills. The participants will also preview a story telling show and get feedback from young children in their communities. In the second term the children learned performing arts skills, preview a mime and music show and get feedback from their peers in their own communities. The third term focussed on characters from African mythology for carnival arts skills training culminating in a spring parade at the Muizenberg Festival. In the final term participants brought together storytelling, mime, mask, music skills and made a play based on an indigenous story which they performed for family and friends. The Jungle Performing Arts Clubs will use cultural stories and heritage as a framework to build self -worth and identity and increase the value of arts and culture in communities through consultation with stakeholders; addressing community needs; promotion of arts; audience development and creative industry entrepreneurship. Only the Muizenberg Club is continuing in 2018 at this stage.

Vrygrond Ingcungela Players (VIPs) by ASSITEJ SA
ASSITEJ SA supports children in the local community of Vrygrond to participate in After School drama activities across the year, contributing to their development and confidence building. They attend after school drama classes twice or three times a week, depending on their age. The VIPs have performed in a number of arenas, including the annual Vrygrond Family Festival at Capricorn Primary School. They have also performed at the opening ceremony of the ASSITEJ 19th World Congress (Cradle of Creativity) and again for The Elders at the launch of their #WalkTogether Campaign.

Vrygrond Family Festival by ASSITEJ SA
ASSITEJ SA trains local youth leaders to run various events over the course of the year. They are trained in arts management, communication, technical support and other aspects of event management. The Vrygrond Family Festival is one of these events, which takes place in Capricorn Primary School for three days, providing an arts immersion process for all learners in the school, in visual art, dance, drama and music. This culminates in a community-based festival over a weekend at the beginning of December each year. Local performances and professional performances are showcased, along with AfroSoil, a fashion and talent show organised by local community youth leaders.

Heart for Art by Butterfly Art Project
One of our projects, Heart for Art, is an extra-curricular programme offered through BAP to children and local community members through various partnerships providing a sense of belonging and opportunities to develop life and social skills. Classes are offered throughout the week, in 1 hour sessions, based on childrens interest in particular activities. Our lesson plans allow facilitators to build a full curriculum aimed introducing children to as wide a variety of artistic experiences as possible. Each lesson includes therapeutic elements specifically aimed at helping children begin to deal with the traumas and challenges related to living with poverty. Each class consists of 12 children per facilitator and one assistant. All resources required by the children for each class are provided.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (1):
Eco-Clubs by Cape Leopard Trust
The eco-clubs are an effective way to have a longer interaction with groups to build on a theme over a series of activities and outings. The goal of the eco clubs is to support the initial stages of a school based club that will continue after the involvement of The Cape Leopard Trust. Themes vary depending on the interest and focus of a club; however, most eco clubs do at least six sessions with an Environmental Educator. Sessions will usually include school based activities such as presentations, a sustainability assessment of the building or planting a vegetable garden. A club will also include various outings to local nature reserves where students may learn how to do a river water assessment, explore caves or challenge themselves with a hike.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
Project C.R.E.A.T.E. (Community Rehabilitation Empowering Artists Through Edutainment) by Heal the Hood Project
To bring about change amongst youth in South Africa by increasing their knowledge about their democratic and human rights. We intend doing this with a modern approach fusing the core objective into popular youth culture forms using multimedia and skills transfer workshops. In this multi-tiered approach Heal the Hood will not only be teaching pupils the elements of Hip Hop ( Rap, Urban Dance, Graffiti, DJ), Film making & editing and Event Management we will also be imparting life skills, knowledge of self, childrens rights, democratic practices and rights.

Dinaledi Educational Coaching - School Transformation in District South by Dinaledi Educational Coaching
In collaboration with the Department of Education, we facilitate the implementation of a strategic transformation process in selected schools which desire to improve their performance - towards the achievement of agreed objectives, including organizational reflection and growth, team and personal coaching and monitoring and accountability all towards a better future for our youth.
Programmes (1):
Wilderness Camps by Cape Leopard Trust
All camps have an underlying goal, which is that young people develop an understanding of and connection with the wilderness. We use a combination of adventure, art and science to this end. Topics/ themes to be covered are discussed with teachers and group leaders or we present a tailor-made package of activities for the 3-5 day camps in the Cederberg. Themes include: Animals of the Western Cape Leopard and caracal research Black eagle research Human-wildlife conflict Animal tracking Rock art and archaeology Astronomy Fynbos biomes Birds and insects pollination Reptiles and scorpions Geology Geography Survival and navigation skills Art, writing and photography Life skills and self-development Trips can be adapted according to the curriculum and the interests of a particular group, or to address current conservation challenges. This year we have placed particular emphasis on teaching children about saving water, as well as the effects of fire and drought. Activities include hiking to learn more about leopards and other animals of the Western Cape, learning about other forms of biodiversity, cave exploration, visiting rock art sites, night walks, astronomy and scorpion searches.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
Butterfly House (Pre-school and afterschool) by Butterfly House
Specialised Pre school and afterschool programmes for community vulnerable and sick children focusing on health and wellness, safety and security, Education and Health Literacy and a hopeful future

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.
Programmes (1):
Butterfly House (Pre-school and afterschool) by Butterfly House
Specialised Pre school and afterschool programmes for community vulnerable and sick children focusing on health and wellness, safety and security, Education and Health Literacy and a hopeful future
Programmes (1):
Leadership Development by Foundation Backbone
Through Leadership Programmes and by focussing on Personal Growth and Development, we help shaping the lives of underprivileged children to rise above their challenging circumstances. Our annual program is build on 4 pillars of Leadership elements and include Values, Relationships, Communication, Conflict and Decision Making. The kids are exposed to venues in and around Cape Town and we teach the elements of leadership through fun activities. We reward their commitment with a camp at the end of the year.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
OMFL: Opera is My First Language by The Cape Town Opera Company
Weekly in-school music education programs at government and LSEN (special needs) schools in the Western Cape: Vredenburg, Retreat and Khayelitsha. Students are involved in learning to sing, read music, acting and creating youth operas which are then performed for their peers. These students attend Cape Town Opera professional opera and musical productions in Cape Town. CTO also works with schools for visually impaired children by providing sign-language interpreted performances, and also co-opts NPO community arts organisations to provide partnerships between OMFL learners and youth visual arts programs practitioners, who jointly create theatrical scenery and costumes for OMFL school productions alongside CTO's EPWP (Expanded Public Works Program) design intern. All involvement with OMFL is provided free to beneficiaries, including all teaching and instruction, transport, performance and theatre attendance opportunities.

Culture Gangs by Magnet Theatre
Culture Gangs is the name of one of Magnet Theatres Community Arts Development (CAD) projects. The project aims to use theatre arts as an essential transformation and learning tool, positively occupying free time of youth and children and incorporating them into Culture Gangs as opposed to criminal gangs. For 2018, the projects aim has been to use theatre arts to equip youth who show the desire to use theatre arts as a tool to bring about positive social change into their own lives and that of their community. In the long term the programme is focused on helping to create a network of theatre youth from different areas in Cape Town, and help develop individuals that can, in future, take up positions of leadership within their communities. In 2018 Magnet Theatre sent Zukisani Nongogo (UCT Theatre Making Diploma) and Yonela Sithela (Magnet Training Programme Graduate) into the community to work with existing and new drama groups, facilitate their productions and respond to their skills deficits. The Culture Gangs Programme for 2018 kicked off on the 5th of February with a total of 8 groups from Khayeltisha (Chris Hani Arts Focus High School & Thandolwethu), Samora Machel (Black Star & uPhawu), Dunoon (Intsika Yakwa Xhosa), Gugulethu (Project Playground), Vrygrond (Lesedi Arts Youth Group) and Nyanga East (RedZebra Foundation) areas forming part of the main programme.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
GEM - Girl Empowerment Movement by 9Miles Project
A 2-day life empowerment programme aimed at teenage girls which include fun, and thought-provoking activities that focus on topics like Values, self-worth, Identity and Decision making. The interactive sessions are paired with life empowerment talks and also includes a surf component which engages the girls in surfing and water activities and teaches teamwork, discipline and perseverance. An optional meal is also included and activities are suitable for all fitness levels. Pricing for school or youth groups is available on request.

Christel House Grade 12 Learning Centre by Christel House South Africa
In 2013, Christel House introduced a program called the Grade 12 Learning Center Program that focuses on preparing grade 12 students for their examinations by offering additional learning support. The program is devoted to the students who come from the 20 impoverished communities that we serve. For many of our students having a safe space to study after hours is a challenge. To ensure each student has the opportunity to succeed, teachers strategically design revision plans including study guides, tutor groups and offer concentrated learner support to run a beneficial program.

WeThinkCode_ software engineering programme by WeThinkCode_
At WeThinkCode_, we believe that African youth have the potential to recode the continents future. Our mission is to source, develop and place world-class African digital talent globally through a network of tuition-free software-engineering schools across the continent. WeThinkCode_ democratises education by making it open and accessible to all talented young people. We source high potential software engineers regardless of previous education, financial means or socio-economic background. Through an innovative online application process, we source top talent from all backgrounds. At WeThinkCode_ there are no teachers, no classes, and students learn through a peer-to- peer problem solving environment. In partnership with world-class institution Ecole 42 (based in Paris and Silicon Valley), WeThinkCode_ trains young minds to become software engineers that think differently and are equip with skills to thrive in the digital era. Tuition-free, our two-year course is sponsored by companies looking to thrive in the digital economy and secure their tech talent pipelines. Corporate partners provide financial support, skills development and a path to employment for students. In return, students pledge to complete two 4-month internships with Corporate Sponsors and work for the sponsor at the end of their studies. Find out more on our website:
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
PASCAP Centres of Excellence by PASCAP Trust
Six after school centres have been developed to create an environment where learners can take part in a variety of programmes and be provided with the opportunity to learn and attain skills in a safe space. All our After School Centres (ASC) are based on school premises across the Western Cape, this makes it convenient for learners to join our programmes and has thus led to building long-lasting relationships with the local communities.
Programmes (2):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (1):
Innovate the Cape by Innovate South Africa
Innovate the Cape is a high school innovation challenge. An innovation ignition team runs design thinking workshops with youth around Cape Town asking learners to come up with solutions to local problems. The learners submit their ideas which are evaluated by an international judging panel. The the top groups are chosen to go through a prototyping phase. Each group is given seed funding, mentors and attend design thinking and entrepreneurship workshops to help them kickstart their ideas. At the end of the prototyping phase the groups have a final showcase to pitch for further funding.
Programmes (2):
Shine Centres by Shine Literacy
Shine Centres provide individualised support to children in Grades Two and Three (the Literacy Hour) to strengthen their English reading, writing and speaking skills. Children work with trained volunteers once or twice a week, during the school day, for at least one year.

Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (1):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (3):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Community Keepers by Community Keepers NPC
Community Keepers, was founded in 2008 to specifically offer free professional psychological and social services to children, their teachers and parents. We believe that You cannot teach a traumatized child. We set up school-based offices (usually modified from an unused classroom) from where services are delivered, full time, by our social workers, psychologists (clinical and educational), and registered counsellors. We have 40 staff members who are professionally qualified and registered mental health professionals. Our offices are open Monday to Friday from 07:30 to 15:30 and the following services are delivered: assessments, counselling and therapy; life skills programmes; teacher development; and parenting programmes. To date, thousands of children, as well as their teachers and parents/guardians have benefitted from our professional services which have led to various positive outcomes, including improved behaviour and better academic performance. We currently have 21 school-based therapy offices in Stellenbosch and Cape Town. We aim to have 100 offices nationwide by 2025
Programmes (2):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (2):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (3):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
CRAVENBY SECCnr York & School Streets, Cravenby Estate, CRAVENBY, PAROW, METRO NORTH
Programmes (1):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (1):
Educentre Afterschool Programme by The Sozo Foundation Trust
Tutoring Mentoring Nutrition E-learning Career Inspiring Initiatives Computer Technology Psychosocial Intervention Life skills
Programmes (2):
Reader Rescue by Kadesh International
Reader Rescue focuses on the holistic development of learners. It encompasses literacy, sport, academic support ,social integration, environmental awareness and life skills.

Diversion Program by First Community Resource Centre
This programme is suitable for School learners aged 13-19.Those who are currently caught in drugs and high risk behaviours.We current run a 6 week behavior modification program with the learners.Theses are learners referred to our programme by the school in our community.
Programmes (1):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
Butterfly House (Pre-school and afterschool) by Butterfly House
Specialised Pre school and afterschool programmes for community vulnerable and sick children focusing on health and wellness, safety and security, Education and Health Literacy and a hopeful future
Programmes (4):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

Technical Teaching Assistants by Green Shoots
Technical Teaching Assistants (TTAs) are placed in schools to support the teachers in such a way that the teachers develop confidence in the use of ITs. Post Matric individuals living in the communities where the schools are located are trained & mentored as part of this 2 year work-readiness programme. These TTAs become part of the immediate school community with a clearly defined career path. When surveyed 90% of young people on our TTA programme indicated that they would be pursuing further studies within 1-2 years, with several of our skills development trainees have subsequently pursued careers in teaching.

Reading Eggs by Click Foundation Trust
Reading Eggs intervention is to assist learners achieve English literacy proficiency at an age appropriate level and beyond. Our focus is on learners from Grade R to Grade 4, in formal school environments. As a secondary target group we will assist informal environments (ECD and Afterschool) with access to the programme. The programme: Supports acquisition of foundation phase literacy skills and can back-fill gaps Online, phonetics based Provides visual and auditory instruction (reading games, activities, songs, animation, rewards) Repetition, revision and consolidation of skills Individualised (1:1) and self-paced learning Requires only basic facilitation We have created a job opportunity model with the employment of facilitators from the local community to work in the school's computer lab. The role has been a job creation opportunity for out-of-work youth and parents who have displayed an interest in technology and in working with their local communities.Where possible, we have leveraged existing unused, or under-utilised computer rooms. The environments are co-ordinated and managed by existing staff or facilitators. Visit for more information.
Programmes (2):
Butterfly House (Pre-school and afterschool) by Butterfly House
Specialised Pre school and afterschool programmes for community vulnerable and sick children focusing on health and wellness, safety and security, Education and Health Literacy and a hopeful future

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Live Music Performances by South African Association for Jazz Education
This programme aims to develop an interest in and appreciation of live music by showcasing music performances and conducting workshops at schools in urban and rural areas of the Western Cape.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Shakespeare Schools Festival SA by The Educape Trust
The South African Shakespeare School Festival (SSF SA) encourages schools to prepare abridged thirty-minute versions of Shakespearean plays in their local professional theatres throughout the country. The Festival's non-competitive environment has removed barriers to entry for young people in schools for the deaf, blind, disabled as well as primary school participants aged 8 to 12.
Programmes (1):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (1):
The helping hands programme by new generation arts development studio
Through the helping hands program works to stem the primary school drop outs crisis by identifying and engaging grade 7 learners who exhibit signs that they are at risk of dropping out ,such poor attendance ,behavior issues, low grades .the helping hands program is designed to address these issues by helping learners to create connection between their education and existing skill set, career interest ,personal goals .the helping hands program prepares at risk grade 7 learners for high school and higher education in a context familiar and personally meaningful to them. Helping make primary school graduation and academic success attainable and relevant to learners ambitions.
Programmes (2):
Primary School Maths and Sciences Community Based by Ithemba Lethu Learning Centre
This programme provides 3 hourly sessions per week ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ) after lessons have finished for 30 to 35 weeks in a school year.It operates at 11 schools and we focus on grades 6 and 7. The number of learners in this programme, the average is 1000.

Cluster Project by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
The Cluster Project - a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with specific project schools in collaboration with the Education Department, benefiting over 300 teachers per cycle. PSPs Cluster Project works in collaboration with the Education Department. It is a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with foundation phase Mathematics teachers and intermediate phase Natural Sciences & Technology (NST) teachers, from small clusters of schools identified by the Department as the most in need.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.

Surf l Life Empowerment Clinics by 9Miles Project
A combination of activities which include a surf lesson (which teaches discipline, perseverance, strategic decision-making etc), water safety tips, teambuilding activities, as well as life empowerment sessions. Clinics are conducted at Strandfontein Pavilion but can also be mobile depending on the number of learners. An optional lunch is also included. Clinics are suitable for all ages and fitness levels - even those who are afraid of the water - and we have patient, and accredited surf coaches and life empowerment speakers available. Pricing for school or youth groups are available on request.
Programmes (3):
MOT Life-skills Education Programmes by MOT South Africa
MOT offers two programmes; one for learners between the ages of 12 and 16 years and one offered at TVET Colleges for students between the ages of 16 and 35 years. To ensure transformational change amongst individuals and in learning environments, the MOT programmes are implemented on a long-term and structured basis. The MOT sessions, based on highly regarded behavioural theories, draw on methodologies of interactive group discussions, games, role-plays, story-telling and self-reflection to enhance the learning outcomes and behavioural change. The youth love the learning experiences provided by the trained MOT coaches. The MOT sessions create interactive and supportive learning opportunities for youth to learn about themselves and to overcome inter-racial, language and cultural barriers. MOT builds trust in youth that they have the potential to make conscious choices, that will enable them to be successful in life. MOT focuses on being proactive; to avoid high-risk behaviour by thinking about the consequences. The life and critical thinking skills of young people are developed for them to make conscious choices that will help them achieve their life goals and dreams. The trained MOT coaches are provided with instruction manuals and each session has specific learning outcomes. Through interactive and experiential learning, the youth actively participate in their personal and interpersonal growth and development. MOT SA is accredited by the Services Seta as a training provider.

Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
Reading Eggs by 3P Learning
Reading Eggs supports learners reading skills with carefully designed online reading games and activities which are easy to follow, student-driven, progressional and highly engaging. Reading is just part of the adventure! Programme has an online library of over 2500 aged readers, all with online quiz driving reading with meaning.

Reading Eggs by Click Foundation Trust
Reading Eggs intervention is to assist learners achieve English literacy proficiency at an age appropriate level and beyond. Our focus is on learners from Grade R to Grade 4, in formal school environments. As a secondary target group we will assist informal environments (ECD and Afterschool) with access to the programme. The programme: Supports acquisition of foundation phase literacy skills and can back-fill gaps Online, phonetics based Provides visual and auditory instruction (reading games, activities, songs, animation, rewards) Repetition, revision and consolidation of skills Individualised (1:1) and self-paced learning Requires only basic facilitation We have created a job opportunity model with the employment of facilitators from the local community to work in the school's computer lab. The role has been a job creation opportunity for out-of-work youth and parents who have displayed an interest in technology and in working with their local communities.Where possible, we have leveraged existing unused, or under-utilised computer rooms. The environments are co-ordinated and managed by existing staff or facilitators. Visit for more information.
Programmes (1):
After School Innovation by Hands Of Prosperity
This particular Programme targets Grade 4, 7, 8 & 9 Learners in the field of Mathematics & Science. The Programme is scheduled on Mondays & Wednesdays @ 15:00 - 16:30 and will be facilitated by two Qualified Educators.
Programmes (3):
Community Outreach Workshops by South African Association for Jazz Education
Music education through workshops: Run by trained educators since 2009, we design and facilitate workshops that engage, empower and educate participants both in the formal and informal sectors. All workshops/presentations are tailored to the needs and ages of the audience and focus on basic musical concepts, including melody, harmony, rhythm and form. Presentations range from 35 to 50 minutes in length (depending on grade level served) and include group and individual performance, discussion through examples, and a question and answer period. Our goal is to establish a program which will be available to all schools in the Western Cape area, reaching students of all ages and backgrounds. We also want to educate students about our great Cape Jazz Heritage and create audiences for tomorrow. The workshops demonstrate how improvisation is part of everyone's life by comparing the process of creating music to language, science, and day to day communication.

Live Music Performances by South African Association for Jazz Education
This programme aims to develop an interest in and appreciation of live music by showcasing music performances and conducting workshops at schools in urban and rural areas of the Western Cape.

WCYO Development & Orchestral Programs by West Coast Youth Orchestra
Carinas Musici Orchestra was established in 1996, with a handful of children practising as one huge mixed ensemble. Soon under the careful care, guidance and expertise of founding member, Ms. Carina Brown the numbers grew rapidly & the various ensemble groups started to participate in local events and Eisteddfods. Towards the end of August 2013, the West Coast Youth Orchestra, 132-992 NPO was registered. The WCYO proudly operates in an honest, transparent & disciplined manner that adhere to the Code of Conduct of the Non Profit Ac. The community and local schools have therefore gained a trust in the WCYO ensuring the success of current and future projects. We build our projects on a firm foundation that would simultaneously benefit the students, schools and their communities, enabling excellent partnerships with community leaders, that are addressing the pressing social and cultural needs of West Coast. Our Development & Orchestral Programs provide opportunities for youth music tuition, development orchestras and higher education opportunities, that is not easy accessible on the West Coast. Currently students from all different cultures participate in 5 interlocking training & development programs in local schools with established outreach & skills development projects in Saldanha, Vredenburg, Langebaan and Hopefield.
Programmes (1):
WCYO Development & Orchestral Programs by West Coast Youth Orchestra
Carinas Musici Orchestra was established in 1996, with a handful of children practising as one huge mixed ensemble. Soon under the careful care, guidance and expertise of founding member, Ms. Carina Brown the numbers grew rapidly & the various ensemble groups started to participate in local events and Eisteddfods. Towards the end of August 2013, the West Coast Youth Orchestra, 132-992 NPO was registered. The WCYO proudly operates in an honest, transparent & disciplined manner that adhere to the Code of Conduct of the Non Profit Ac. The community and local schools have therefore gained a trust in the WCYO ensuring the success of current and future projects. We build our projects on a firm foundation that would simultaneously benefit the students, schools and their communities, enabling excellent partnerships with community leaders, that are addressing the pressing social and cultural needs of West Coast. Our Development & Orchestral Programs provide opportunities for youth music tuition, development orchestras and higher education opportunities, that is not easy accessible on the West Coast. Currently students from all different cultures participate in 5 interlocking training & development programs in local schools with established outreach & skills development projects in Saldanha, Vredenburg, Langebaan and Hopefield.
Programmes (1):
Cluster Project by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
The Cluster Project - a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with specific project schools in collaboration with the Education Department, benefiting over 300 teachers per cycle. PSPs Cluster Project works in collaboration with the Education Department. It is a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with foundation phase Mathematics teachers and intermediate phase Natural Sciences & Technology (NST) teachers, from small clusters of schools identified by the Department as the most in need.
Programmes (1):
Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
PSPs Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) is a two-year cycle of mentorship that supports first-time teachers in their early years in the profession, fast-tracking their adjustment to the school and teaching environments and ensuring they are well-prepared to teach. The project responds to a pattern in South Africa of new teachers leaving the occupation within their first few years of teaching, often due to being overwhelmed by the challenges and realities of the classroom. The PSP aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical training they have received at university or teacher training institutions, and the realities of classroom practice and managing workloads, in order to encourage more confident, knowledgeable and better-equipped teachers. Each first-time teacher (FTT) enrolled in the Project is assigned a PSP Mentor who will coach and support them over the next 2 years. The PSP Mentor visits the teacher in their school to discuss the challenges and difficulties they face, and a tailored plan of integrated support is drawn up. The PSP Mentor also joins the FTT in their classroom to observe HOW they teach, noting any additional obstacles and tackling these issues through coaching, training and materials support.
Programmes (1):
WCYO Development & Orchestral Programs by West Coast Youth Orchestra
Carinas Musici Orchestra was established in 1996, with a handful of children practising as one huge mixed ensemble. Soon under the careful care, guidance and expertise of founding member, Ms. Carina Brown the numbers grew rapidly & the various ensemble groups started to participate in local events and Eisteddfods. Towards the end of August 2013, the West Coast Youth Orchestra, 132-992 NPO was registered. The WCYO proudly operates in an honest, transparent & disciplined manner that adhere to the Code of Conduct of the Non Profit Ac. The community and local schools have therefore gained a trust in the WCYO ensuring the success of current and future projects. We build our projects on a firm foundation that would simultaneously benefit the students, schools and their communities, enabling excellent partnerships with community leaders, that are addressing the pressing social and cultural needs of West Coast. Our Development & Orchestral Programs provide opportunities for youth music tuition, development orchestras and higher education opportunities, that is not easy accessible on the West Coast. Currently students from all different cultures participate in 5 interlocking training & development programs in local schools with established outreach & skills development projects in Saldanha, Vredenburg, Langebaan and Hopefield.
Programmes (2):
Afterschool Care Facility for 94 orphaned and vulnerable children in Imizamo Yethu by iKhaya le Themba Project
Objectives: a) Provide comprehensive after school care and remedial teaching to 100 orphaned and vulnerable children aged 6-12, grades 1 -6. Includes provision of Home Work Lab daily for grades 1-6 and Computer Lab to teach computer literacy. b) Support families who care for vulnerable and orphaned children c) Operate Parent Centre to provide holistic support and education to adults Skills School for Teens and Parents SAUCE stands for South African Unique Culinary Experience a hospitality skills training school established for parents and older graduates of iKhaya who are seeking employment; d) Early Childhood Education Training Curious Kids for mothers with babies and home based crches was launched in January, 2017, to provide employment opportunities for day mothers and to teach quality care for children ages 0-6 years e) Teen Leadership Program for graduating grade six students - Ambassadors of Hope learning to serve community f) Measure impact of our work and communicate its success to local community and South Africa to increase support to the sector g) Develop a sustainable model that can be replicated in similar communities throughout South Africa

Accelerator Programme by Instill Education
10 to 12 modules (depending on intensity of programme required) modules selected from our course catalogue delivered over the course of a year, including access to our online learning platform. Optional observations, 'Clinics', diagnostics, and data management are available on request. Topics focus on core pedagogical areas such as planning, classroom and behaviour management, and (formative and summative) assessment. Our methodology is intensely practical, ensuring teachers embed techniques into their teaching practice, and instructional leaders in the school are left with the tools to continuously support and monitor progress of their teachers.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
PSPs Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) is a two-year cycle of mentorship that supports first-time teachers in their early years in the profession, fast-tracking their adjustment to the school and teaching environments and ensuring they are well-prepared to teach. The project responds to a pattern in South Africa of new teachers leaving the occupation within their first few years of teaching, often due to being overwhelmed by the challenges and realities of the classroom. The PSP aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical training they have received at university or teacher training institutions, and the realities of classroom practice and managing workloads, in order to encourage more confident, knowledgeable and better-equipped teachers. Each first-time teacher (FTT) enrolled in the Project is assigned a PSP Mentor who will coach and support them over the next 2 years. The PSP Mentor visits the teacher in their school to discuss the challenges and difficulties they face, and a tailored plan of integrated support is drawn up. The PSP Mentor also joins the FTT in their classroom to observe HOW they teach, noting any additional obstacles and tackling these issues through coaching, training and materials support.

Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (5):
Karate in partnership with Fight For Peace by Arise Community Development Projects
The Karate program started in June 2017 at Downeville Primary School in Manenberg. We started with all the grade 2,3 and grade 4's. The program is aimed to reduce bulling, absenteeism and install social life skills such as discipline, awareness, self control, self esteem etc. It is also focus on changing the learners anti social behavior. We have now move with the learners and doing all the grade 3, 4 and grade five, this is to give all the learners a full year Benefit of the program. After each quarter we do an evaluation with a questionnaire with some learners and all teachers regarding the impact of the program. The program we aligned with the curriculum with the assistants of the school HOD's for physical education and Life orientation. The program has come to its end at the end of May and are currently being reviewed for extension.

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

Maths@Home by Green Shoots
Maths@Home is perfect for any group/school/organisation who want to support their learners with Maths without needing to have a Maths teacher on-site. Maths@Home allows a structured and accountable homework system that learners enjoy using. We have support materials for facilitators to help them run sessions and support & encourage learners. Maths@Home is available for grades 3, 4, 5 & 6. Learners can work at their own pace and target specific topics to practise. Brain Quests are 15 minutes long and are instantly marked. Learners can attempt more difficult questions as they master each topic. The final Brian Challenge allows learners to practice examination styles (ANA) questions. The Maths content of Maths@Home is structured according to the CAPS. Parents and learners can track achievement topic by topic throughout the term. Maths@Home is the perfect preparation tool for school and external assessments, including the Annual National Assessment for Mathematics.

Reading Eggs by Click Foundation Trust
Reading Eggs intervention is to assist learners achieve English literacy proficiency at an age appropriate level and beyond. Our focus is on learners from Grade R to Grade 4, in formal school environments. As a secondary target group we will assist informal environments (ECD and Afterschool) with access to the programme. The programme: Supports acquisition of foundation phase literacy skills and can back-fill gaps Online, phonetics based Provides visual and auditory instruction (reading games, activities, songs, animation, rewards) Repetition, revision and consolidation of skills Individualised (1:1) and self-paced learning Requires only basic facilitation We have created a job opportunity model with the employment of facilitators from the local community to work in the school's computer lab. The role has been a job creation opportunity for out-of-work youth and parents who have displayed an interest in technology and in working with their local communities.Where possible, we have leveraged existing unused, or under-utilised computer rooms. The environments are co-ordinated and managed by existing staff or facilitators. Visit for more information.

Year Beyond by Shine Literacy
Through Shines partnership with the Western Cape Education Departments Year Beyond Programme, we are training and supporting unemployed matriculants and graduates to deliver the Shine Literacy Hour in underperforming primary schools. This not only takes our proven programme to more schools and children, but also provides valuable leadership and self-development opportunities to young adults. The Shine Literacy Hour supports primary school children to strengthen their English reading, writing and speaking skills.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Online Entrepreneurship by Internative Digital @756Writing
I educate schools about enjoying using internet to make a living, business, industry, economies, and better future, around 2030 National Development Plan, 2030 Global Sustainable Development Goals, The 4th Industrial Revolution, The Internet of Things, Digital Age, Technocracy, preferred future.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (1):
Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.
Programmes (1):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (1):
Reader Rescue by Kadesh International
Reader Rescue focuses on the holistic development of learners. It encompasses literacy, sport, academic support ,social integration, environmental awareness and life skills.
Programmes (1):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (2):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (1):
IPM Peer-to-Peer Training by I PROTECT ME
We train Prevention Workers to empower learners to stand up against abuse in schools and we train learners over 16 years of age as Peer Trainers to teach their mates and juniors as older brothers and sisters in After School Clubs under the supervision and support of Life Orientation teachers and Prevention Workers. Mentoring and supervision is done at regular camps, where learners' experiences and opinions are discussed, recorded and incorporated so as to customise our programme to the specific needs of each school within the surrounding community. We give school staff and parent workshops and victim support by way of liaison with social and health services and SAPS. Our programme is curriculum aligned and is guided by research indicators and outcomes of other programmes which incentivise learners to continue with their education through development of confidence and leadership skills. Older learners at risk of exclusion are particularly welcome in our programme, for we work with their teachers to identify them and give them support to re-establish self-esteem through our hands-on programme, to show off their skills and help others. Youth Involvement is a duty of the educational institutions under our country's National Development Plan for Education. We help educators achieve this, thus feeding into policy.
Programmes (3):
Project expansion by Dance Theater Africa
Our previous project, Youth Reach Out, ran for 3 years until evolving into Project Expansion which is on-going and also running for 9 months. Our vision with Project Expansion is to expand to as many schools in the Cape Flats areas of Cape Town, running after school dance programmes. We are stationed at Tygersig primary School, Ravensmead High School, Valhalla primary School and Elsies River High School. We teach ages 10-13 at the Primary school with an attendance of about 60 children and ages 13-16 at the High School with an attendance of about 40 children. The numbers fluctuate as some children come and go, but the amounts given are the dedicated ones who attend eagerly and diligently. This is a continuous project which will run for as long as possible and with the co-operation of the schools involved. Continuous dance classes are taught twice a week, training them in Classical Ballet, Contemporary dance and Hip Hop to ensure skills development and progression. Regular attendance registers are taken to ensure the dedication and commitment from the youth. Our youth have the privilege of being taught by 3 qualified and well experienced Dance Teachers in 2018. We aim to uphold the standard and level of technical excellence in dance and therefore we only employ qualified, experienced and well trained Dancers/ Teachers to work with our youth. We want to give our youth the best and aim for excellence with reports, certificates and performances to show for it.

iKasi Media "This is Me!" by iKasi Media
This is me will be an after school six week project, where up to thirty learners will be chosen through a selection process, Group One will consist of learners who will have submitted Selfie videos of dance, rap, singing or poetry. The selected learners will be placed into specific workshops run by subject matter experts. This is to assist these learners to develop their natural talent and create a unique product. Workshops will include choreography & dance, vocal training, beat making, stage performance, poetry and life skills will be a strong focus through all these sessions. Group Two is aimed at learners who have a different talent. For them we will host an exciting MOJO workshop, where we skill them to film using their mobile phones. These learners will become the digital story tellers of the project and will be assigned to an artist to film In-the-life-of style video clips. Once all the training and production has been completed, the project will be concluded in a Showcase where the videos filmed by learners will be screened and the artists will take to the stage. This showcase will be professionally filmed, a copy will be delivered to Cape Town TV for broadcast and DVD copies will be available through the schools as a keepsake.

THE IDENTITY TRAP is the 21st Century Teenager/young adults solution to developing a unique individual IDENTITY which challenges limiting beliefs and instead encourages and heightens SELF ESTEEM. The result of increased Self Esteem = enhanced personal, academic and LIFE achivement THE IDENTITY TRAP imparts on teenagers ( or tweens) the skills to becoming their OWN CHAMPION and HERO / SHERO through the edgey approach to discussing and understanding topics which enthrall the teenage mind. THE IDENTITY TRAP workshops are interactive discussional and encourage maximum understanding, participation and ultimately a unique approach to education
Programmes (1):
Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (1):
Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
PSPs Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) is a two-year cycle of mentorship that supports first-time teachers in their early years in the profession, fast-tracking their adjustment to the school and teaching environments and ensuring they are well-prepared to teach. The project responds to a pattern in South Africa of new teachers leaving the occupation within their first few years of teaching, often due to being overwhelmed by the challenges and realities of the classroom. The PSP aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical training they have received at university or teacher training institutions, and the realities of classroom practice and managing workloads, in order to encourage more confident, knowledgeable and better-equipped teachers. Each first-time teacher (FTT) enrolled in the Project is assigned a PSP Mentor who will coach and support them over the next 2 years. The PSP Mentor visits the teacher in their school to discuss the challenges and difficulties they face, and a tailored plan of integrated support is drawn up. The PSP Mentor also joins the FTT in their classroom to observe HOW they teach, noting any additional obstacles and tackling these issues through coaching, training and materials support.
Programmes (1):
After-School programme by 9Miles Project
We provide a safe space for at-risk youth at our Clubhouse at Strandfontein Pavilion. We offer structured afterschool activities which include literacy support, online reading, academic support and tutoring, feeding, healthcare interventions eg. health and dental assessments, as well as water activities i.e. surfing. We ensure that youth are able to identify with positive influences in their lives which further promotes a sense of belonging and inclusion. We help youth to successfully transition into responsible, independent, productive, healthy and stable adults
Programmes (1):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.
Programmes (8):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

Literacy SRDL realized that one of the main academic challenges is literacy which is the ability to read, write, spell and even speak a certain language. SRDL understood that literacy is a key to academic, social and economic development for everyone. In partnership with Crossroads Public Library SRDL implemented an effective Saturday Reading Club. All Literacy activities were facilitated by trained caring SRDL and Crossroads Public Librarys personnel. Literacy activities that were offered included reading, writing, storytelling, spelling, creative writing, critical thinking, speeches and language.

School holidays are times when learners can clear their heads, relax a little and stretch their brains in different ways. When students are on a break, they are no longer working their brain at full capacity all day, every day. The brain acts just like a muscle, and needs regular exercise to keep working at its best. Similar when you stop working out at the gym for a few weeks and you drop back your fitness levels. It has been found by many studies that after school holiday the level of learning drops significantly. In Collaboration with Crossroads Public Library, and Phillip Village SRDL has successfully implemented fun, secured and educational school vacation programs that include Art & Craft, Physical education, watching educational movies. Art and crafts: SRDL believes in giving each participants an opportunity to embrace and showcase his/her artistic side and crafting skills. SRDL is sharing the same beliefs with those who believes that making art is healing and life enhancing. SRDL realized several benefits of Art and crafts which includes the fact that it encourages creativity, improves coordination, enhance moto skills, boost self-esteem and encourages freedom of expression,

SRDL realized that physical education is very crucial for physical and mental development. PE enables learners to excel in their studies and it enhances the attendance of leaners especial in Out of School Programs. PE also develops students confidence and generic skills, especially those of collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking

SRDL operates in very underprivileged communities where most of the parents are earning slight salaries or are unemployed. SRDL has organized successful educational excursions for these underprivileged children to places of educational and historical interest. The destinations included Intaka Island as well as Iziko Museums of South Africa. SRDL also ensured that these children enjoy nutritious snacks and meals. SRDL believes that learning outside the classroom can build children's confidence and can transform their relationship with teachers/tutors. SRDL believes that these educational excursions enhances its program and make its objectives achievable

Research shows that the number one indicator of a high-quality afterschool program is well-trained staff. SRDL participated in variety of opportunities to help programs, staff, and partners improve the quality of their services. SRDL personnel partaken in various training and workshops offered by individuals experts and credible organizations such as After-School Game Changer, The Learning Trust, University of Free State, SAFULA, Outliers, Community Chest etc. An informative Team Building was offered to all SRDL personnel in order to break down barriers, connect and inspire them. Unity is essential part of organizational development

It cannot be denied that technology has changed the world, even the world of education. It should be emphasized that educational technologies are not replacement for teachers, chalkboard and school books rather, educational technologies seeks to complement traditional teaching methods. Weve seen a cultural shift over the past ten years (give or take) in terms of how we interact with educational content and materials. We have witnessed hardware like computers, tablets, SMART Boards and other recent technologies continue to enter the classroom. Learners learn in a variety of ways, making it difficult for teachers to meet every individuals needs with manual lessons. SRDL is planning to introduce and implement digital and e-learning platform that will assist learners to unlock their great potentials. SRDL has been in contact with two Educational Software Program service providers which are Mathemagic and Click Foundation. Mathemagics is an Educational Software Program developed in South Africa to assist learners from grade R 12. Mathemagic is approved by Department of Education and is 100% CAPS. Click Foundation The primary focus of The Click Foundation is the implementation of an online phonetics based English literacy programme. The programme offers learners the opportunity to work at their own pace through fun and enjoyable activities, navigating their learning journey by means of technology. Click Foundation offers a program called Literacy Reading Egg.

In previous years SRDL has been emphasizing that afterschool program seeks to nurture all the learners; academic, social, emotional, and physical development. SRDL realized that time will always be against human kind and that education should not be restricted only to regular school operating hours. I am so please to inform that in collaboration with Entshona Primary School SRDL has successfully implemented an After School Tutoring Program. Entshona Primary School pupils received free, individualized homework help four to five days a week in English, Mathematics and Life Skills. SRDLs afterschool tutoring program is designed to inspire learning, foster creativity, and help students understand and complete their homework each day. From Monday to Thursday after school hours our volunteer step forward to help children academically and socially in need, provide healthy snacks and meals, serve as role models, and share their excitement and enthusiasm for learning
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.
Programmes (1):
MathMoms by MATHMOMS
The MathMoms most important duty is to remember that she is a person who can and should create a safe space for every child that crosses her path to excel. She should act in such a way that this is achieved. She strives to make each child in the community feel respected, valued, and having a sense of being someone who counts. An initiative powered by motherly love that builds confident communities one maths empowered child at a time. Grade 2 & 3 25 lessons per year with the main aim to make them understand, in a playful way, basic mathematical concepts. Weekly lessons at school (four Grade3's per MathMom; 7 grade 2 children per MM) If the school needs assistance in any way, the MathMom must be available to help After School 1. Twice weekly math lessons with children at home, also providing help with homework - done by the MathMoms. 2. Unemployed mothers (Uitkyk-antie) are identified by the MathMoms and the schools because we recognize motherhood as a catalyst for powerful change. The Uitkyk-antie identify three ground phase children in her immediate vicinity. The children will be accompanied by the Uitkyk-antie to the school twice a week, where she will help the child with homework, giving special attention to reading and maths.
Programmes (1):
MathMoms by MATHMOMS
The MathMoms most important duty is to remember that she is a person who can and should create a safe space for every child that crosses her path to excel. She should act in such a way that this is achieved. She strives to make each child in the community feel respected, valued, and having a sense of being someone who counts. An initiative powered by motherly love that builds confident communities one maths empowered child at a time. Grade 2 & 3 25 lessons per year with the main aim to make them understand, in a playful way, basic mathematical concepts. Weekly lessons at school (four Grade3's per MathMom; 7 grade 2 children per MM) If the school needs assistance in any way, the MathMom must be available to help After School 1. Twice weekly math lessons with children at home, also providing help with homework - done by the MathMoms. 2. Unemployed mothers (Uitkyk-antie) are identified by the MathMoms and the schools because we recognize motherhood as a catalyst for powerful change. The Uitkyk-antie identify three ground phase children in her immediate vicinity. The children will be accompanied by the Uitkyk-antie to the school twice a week, where she will help the child with homework, giving special attention to reading and maths.
Programmes (1):
iKasi Media "This is Me!" by iKasi Media
This is me will be an after school six week project, where up to thirty learners will be chosen through a selection process, Group One will consist of learners who will have submitted Selfie videos of dance, rap, singing or poetry. The selected learners will be placed into specific workshops run by subject matter experts. This is to assist these learners to develop their natural talent and create a unique product. Workshops will include choreography & dance, vocal training, beat making, stage performance, poetry and life skills will be a strong focus through all these sessions. Group Two is aimed at learners who have a different talent. For them we will host an exciting MOJO workshop, where we skill them to film using their mobile phones. These learners will become the digital story tellers of the project and will be assigned to an artist to film In-the-life-of style video clips. Once all the training and production has been completed, the project will be concluded in a Showcase where the videos filmed by learners will be screened and the artists will take to the stage. This showcase will be professionally filmed, a copy will be delivered to Cape Town TV for broadcast and DVD copies will be available through the schools as a keepsake.
Programmes (5):
InterClass Project by Play Sport4Life NPC
PS4L implements Interclass Game Programs that can be held during break, and after school. The Interclass Game Program uses sports and reacreational activities to engage the students with each other in a way that promotes health and wellness. Our PS4L coaches coordinate the Interclass Game Program activities in an instructive, productive, friendly and fun manner thats beneficial to the learners, their schools and their commmunities. Activities range from the use of various sport codes (i.e. athletics, soccer, rugby, hockey, netball, table tennis, baseball, basketball, etc.) to creative playground games (i.e. obstacle course, skipping rope, four square, hand ball, tug of war, etc.).

Life Coaching by Play Sport4Life NPC
Life Coaching allows the learners to experience a journey in personal development and self-discovery. Youth coaching and mentoring services empowers youth with valuable life-skills and encourage self-confidence with a goal-driven focus. The program enables youth to discover who they are and what their place in the world is. Youth coaching services are available on one-on-one basis or in group environments depending on what the specific needs are. Group coaching offers powerful opportunities to transform within a group environment, regardless of whether participants are working toward individual or common goals. While the experience is often described as deeply rewarding, participants also frequently develop strong new bonds through these collective experiences.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

EduSport by Play Sport4Life NPC
One of PS4Ls primary objectives is to support educational institutions, particularly schools, through improvement of facilities and physical educational enrichment programs as well as innovative after school programs. Many of the most disadvantaged schools in South Africa have little to no capacity for funding physical education or sport for their learners. In order to provide physical education to learners, they are reliant on external aid and assistance. Learners are provided with advanced physical education during their Life Orientation classes as part of our EduSport program Trained and experienced PS4L coaches conduct the classes, clinics, and after school programs. The activities are planned according to the developmental need of learners and in consultation with the schools sports coordinator and principal. The consultation between PS4L, the coaching staff, and school management ensures that the work of PS4L is of the upmost value to the learners. The physical education classes and after school sport programs are focused on the development of motor skills; hand-eye coordination; improving discipline and the values of good sportsmanship; building stamina and improving general health and wellbeing; and promoting a positive attitude towards health and physical activity in general. Through sport, children have a real opportunity to gain confidence and a voice.

DOD (Also known as Daughters of Destiny) GIRL CLUBS by Daughters of Destiny
The Daughters of Destiny Girls Clubs offers age appropriate instruct for female youths and teenagers aged 10 16 and girls aged 4-10. The DOD Clubs fill the gaps of the schooling and social systems by creating an open discussion on topics that are less frequently discussed, such as the importance of healthy and unhealthy relationships, abuse and sexual health education etc. Through our learning programs, we enable girls to make informed decisions about their education, health, relationships, finances and future.
Programmes (5):
YOUNG FILMMAKERS PROGRAMME by Young Filmmakers Programme
Developing short film -makers. Inviting raw talent and interested people to tell a story using film

MOT Life-skills Education Programmes by MOT South Africa
MOT offers two programmes; one for learners between the ages of 12 and 16 years and one offered at TVET Colleges for students between the ages of 16 and 35 years. To ensure transformational change amongst individuals and in learning environments, the MOT programmes are implemented on a long-term and structured basis. The MOT sessions, based on highly regarded behavioural theories, draw on methodologies of interactive group discussions, games, role-plays, story-telling and self-reflection to enhance the learning outcomes and behavioural change. The youth love the learning experiences provided by the trained MOT coaches. The MOT sessions create interactive and supportive learning opportunities for youth to learn about themselves and to overcome inter-racial, language and cultural barriers. MOT builds trust in youth that they have the potential to make conscious choices, that will enable them to be successful in life. MOT focuses on being proactive; to avoid high-risk behaviour by thinking about the consequences. The life and critical thinking skills of young people are developed for them to make conscious choices that will help them achieve their life goals and dreams. The trained MOT coaches are provided with instruction manuals and each session has specific learning outcomes. Through interactive and experiential learning, the youth actively participate in their personal and interpersonal growth and development. MOT SA is accredited by the Services Seta as a training provider.

Step Up: Youth Participatory Action Research by Bottomup Social Development
Our strategy for 2018-2020 takes student perspective seriously and is based on the critical assumption that students have the agency and capacity to effect social change in their schools. Our strategy is a pedagogical one that has its foundations in youth participatory action research methodology (YPAR). Adopting a strategy which does not discount the relationship between private troubles and broader social issues and patterns also implies a shift away from traditional explanations of student disengagement which focus solely on the individual. We should go beyond the traditional pathological or patronising view by asserting that young people have the capacity and agency to analyse their social context, to engage in critical research collectively, and to challenge and resist forces impeding their possibilities for liberation. (Cammarota & Fine, 2008) All the pedagogical tools which we aim to utilise will contribute to building space for critical inquiry and praxis. The ultimate aim is to equip students to analyse the problem within context, to develop and implement solutions, to critically evaluate solutions and then to continue the praxis cycle. Though the process begins as an action group exercise, it ultimately leads into a school-wide campaign that benefits all stakeholders. They will have learned how to exercise collective imagination to envision futures that are better for their school, believing that they can contribute to making the world a better place.

Mentoring facilitators of after-school programs by Outliers
To achieve our goal of improving access to free quality education through after-school programs, we mentor facilitators and support them in 5 key areas: 1. We help create safe spaces for learning by conducting site visits and assisting with developing policies for good governance and child protection. 2. We increase access to academic resources by partnering with suppliers of quality, contextual resources at reduced cost to our after-school programs. 3. We provide training for tutors in basic literacy and numeracy skills, as well as other teaching skills such as recognizing learning styles or learning disorders. 4. We equip mentors for career development by training mentors and providing them with tools to help students build navigational capacity and make further study and work plans. 5. We grow a social network to create new connections to opportunity for students in the after-school programs, including opportunities such as job shadows, internships, bursaries and scholarships.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (5):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

Project C.R.E.A.T.E. (Community Rehabilitation Empowering Artists Through Edutainment) by Heal the Hood Project
To bring about change amongst youth in South Africa by increasing their knowledge about their democratic and human rights. We intend doing this with a modern approach fusing the core objective into popular youth culture forms using multimedia and skills transfer workshops. In this multi-tiered approach Heal the Hood will not only be teaching pupils the elements of Hip Hop ( Rap, Urban Dance, Graffiti, DJ), Film making & editing and Event Management we will also be imparting life skills, knowledge of self, childrens rights, democratic practices and rights.

YOUNG FILMMAKERS PROGRAMME by Young Filmmakers Programme
Developing short film -makers. Inviting raw talent and interested people to tell a story using film

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

ICT integration training - by OSADECK
Pathway of courses in: LMS Moodle System; e-Content creation; e-Pedagogy Courses over 8 sessions
Programmes (1):
The GIRLOLOGY workshops are tailored around SELF BELIEF SELF ESTEEM SELF LOVE and SELF RESPECT and explore limiting beliefs and low self worth which ultimately inhibit women from becoming the CHAMPION and SHERO she is capable of being. During interactive forums and facilitation the workshops explore perceptions and and it is highlighted that by changing ATTITUDE, and BEHAVIOUR stepping out of traditional comfort zones and trying something new ..anything in life is possible. Humiliation during monthly menstruation ,HIV infection, Rape, Domestic Violence, Teenage/Unmarried Pregnancy, Substance Abuse, Peer Pressure and Society Demands all have a potentially negative impact on girls education and life.- The GIRLOLOGY workshop objective is to CHANGE all of this . The message during the workshops is that the young women are in charge of their lives , bodies and choices and through the right CHOICES can break away from limiting thoughts and beliefs which no longer serve them and instead have the confidence To HARNESS DREAMS and LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST .
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (2):
Academic Development & Innovation by Waumbe Youth Development
Academic Development Program: through a Tutoring program that has seen Fisantekraal High School Pass Rate move from 44% in 2014 to 79.5% in 2017. - In addition, there is Career Guidance program where various professions present the journeys they have walked to attain their qualifications. Once every year we take 150 (Grade 9 & 10) learners from the farming community of Fisantekraal to the Cape Town Career Expo to be exposed to different professions. - Waumbe holds an Application Drive that aids post-Matric learners to apply for tertiary education. Waumbe invites all the Cape university to the remote area of Fisantekraal. All learners apply to the university of their choice. We have assisted over 550 learners since 2015 and 53 of those learners have successfully enrolled into a tertiary institution.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.

Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (2):
The Five Freedoms for Animals Puppet Presentation performed by the learners themselves by The Humane Education Trust
The Constitutional Court has noted that: "Animal protection safeguards the moral status of humans and the degeneration of human values." Animal protection is dependent on human ethics, integrity and empathy. To nurture and develop these qualities of good citizenship, our programme invites learners to learn and perform the Five Freedoms Puppet Show for Animals, a programme that supports animal welfare and also enhances their reading ability and empowers them to make a difference for the better in their communities. The Five Freedoms for Animals takes about three terms to learn and become proficient as puppeteers, and fits into Life Skills. The Five Freedoms for Animals is endorsed by the World Organisation for Animal Health and is part of the United Nation's One Health programme. Social scientists believe that empathy erosion is at the root of our troubled and violent world, making our programme all the more essential. Mrs Warda Conrad, Director of Business Strategy and Stakeholder Management at the WCED has seen our programme in action and has said: "The department is focusing on values in education and I would love to see this programme extended into other schools as well." Using a Life Skills lesson on a once-a-week basis achieves wonderful proficiency by the end of the third term and follow-up questionnaires show that the children retain the knowledge gained by our programme and spontaneously extend it to other animals.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.
Programmes (2):
Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

Technical Teaching Assistants by Green Shoots
Technical Teaching Assistants (TTAs) are placed in schools to support the teachers in such a way that the teachers develop confidence in the use of ITs. Post Matric individuals living in the communities where the schools are located are trained & mentored as part of this 2 year work-readiness programme. These TTAs become part of the immediate school community with a clearly defined career path. When surveyed 90% of young people on our TTA programme indicated that they would be pursuing further studies within 1-2 years, with several of our skills development trainees have subsequently pursued careers in teaching.
Programmes (1):
Cluster Project by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
The Cluster Project - a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with specific project schools in collaboration with the Education Department, benefiting over 300 teachers per cycle. PSPs Cluster Project works in collaboration with the Education Department. It is a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with foundation phase Mathematics teachers and intermediate phase Natural Sciences & Technology (NST) teachers, from small clusters of schools identified by the Department as the most in need.
Programmes (2):
Cluster Project by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
The Cluster Project - a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with specific project schools in collaboration with the Education Department, benefiting over 300 teachers per cycle. PSPs Cluster Project works in collaboration with the Education Department. It is a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with foundation phase Mathematics teachers and intermediate phase Natural Sciences & Technology (NST) teachers, from small clusters of schools identified by the Department as the most in need.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
EduSport by Play Sport4Life NPC
One of PS4Ls primary objectives is to support educational institutions, particularly schools, through improvement of facilities and physical educational enrichment programs as well as innovative after school programs. Many of the most disadvantaged schools in South Africa have little to no capacity for funding physical education or sport for their learners. In order to provide physical education to learners, they are reliant on external aid and assistance. Learners are provided with advanced physical education during their Life Orientation classes as part of our EduSport program Trained and experienced PS4L coaches conduct the classes, clinics, and after school programs. The activities are planned according to the developmental need of learners and in consultation with the schools sports coordinator and principal. The consultation between PS4L, the coaching staff, and school management ensures that the work of PS4L is of the upmost value to the learners. The physical education classes and after school sport programs are focused on the development of motor skills; hand-eye coordination; improving discipline and the values of good sportsmanship; building stamina and improving general health and wellbeing; and promoting a positive attitude towards health and physical activity in general. Through sport, children have a real opportunity to gain confidence and a voice.
Programmes (1):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
Innovate the Cape by Innovate South Africa
Innovate the Cape is a high school innovation challenge. An innovation ignition team runs design thinking workshops with youth around Cape Town asking learners to come up with solutions to local problems. The learners submit their ideas which are evaluated by an international judging panel. The the top groups are chosen to go through a prototyping phase. Each group is given seed funding, mentors and attend design thinking and entrepreneurship workshops to help them kickstart their ideas. At the end of the prototyping phase the groups have a final showcase to pitch for further funding.
Programmes (1):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (2):
Cape Town Outreach Programme by Dance for All
Dance for All s Cape Town Outreach Programme welcomes children aged from five to young adults at its dance classes, free of charge, in a safe, structured environment where they learn valuable skills. Youngsters of all levels of ability are welcomed to the classes which introduce them to various styles of dance. Benefits include increased confidence, self-discipline, respect, physical development and an appreciation of healthy living. Classes in classical Ballet, African dance, Contemporary and Spanish dance are offered daily in school classrooms and community halls in Khayelitsha, Athlone, Langa, Delft and Kenilworth. During school holidays and with transport provided, additional programmes and workshops are offered to city-based young dance students by Dance for All at its studios in Athlone. In addition to their regular classes, students participate in a variety of performances, enabling added focus and motivation. Such performances nurture the students self-esteem, develop confidence and performance skills.

Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.
Programmes (3):
P1 - FAMILY PROGRAM by Glen Elgin Community Organization
Whether a single parent or both mother and father present, it is important to strengthen the family structure and household with integrated and targeted interventions that focus on building resilient family life. This service provides families with the tools and skills needed to strengthen their household and their surrounding community. Together they build and ensure social cohesion.

P2 - VICTIM EMPOWERMENT by Glen Elgin Community Organization
Victims of crime and violence can access psychosocial support services that increase the resilience of the victims as well as their family members/ significant others.

P3 - RESOURCE CENTER/ AFTER SCHOOL CARE (ASC) by Glen Elgin Community Organization
Providing quality development, care and protection with a holistic approach that physically, mentally, emotionally, morally and socially develops children to broaden their knowledge, build their confidence, better their reading and writing, learn computer literacy and address social challenges all during their developmental phase.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
City Bowl Strings Project by Musiquelaine SA
The teaching of violin to young learners, from Grade R, from disadvantaged communities.
Programmes (1):
Shine Centres by Shine Literacy
Shine Centres provide individualised support to children in Grades Two and Three (the Literacy Hour) to strengthen their English reading, writing and speaking skills. Children work with trained volunteers once or twice a week, during the school day, for at least one year.
GRABOUW HS.Voortrekkerstraat , Grabouw, GRABOUW, GRABOUW, OVERBERG
Programmes (3):
P3 - RESOURCE CENTER/ AFTER SCHOOL CARE (ASC) by Glen Elgin Community Organization
Providing quality development, care and protection with a holistic approach that physically, mentally, emotionally, morally and socially develops children to broaden their knowledge, build their confidence, better their reading and writing, learn computer literacy and address social challenges all during their developmental phase.

Learner Support by The SOS Africa Western Cape Trust
Learner support is provided to children in the Foundation Phase of each school, working within the remit of any existing learner support school department which is currently overwhelmed by the numbers of children needing extra attention.

After School Club by The SOS Africa Western Cape Trust
Children are generally selected by SOS during the Foundation Phase of their schooling (Grade R/Grade 1) and are sponsored throughout their school career. SOS currently sponsor 33 children from three schools in the Helderberg area and surrounds: 12 year sponsorship commitment (Grade 1-12). Payment of school fees, transport, stationery and uniform. Daily after care provided Monday through Friday. Holiday programmes. Extra support if required (for example, therapy, counselling and so on).
Programmes (2):
Step Up: Youth Participatory Action Research by Bottomup Social Development
Our strategy for 2018-2020 takes student perspective seriously and is based on the critical assumption that students have the agency and capacity to effect social change in their schools. Our strategy is a pedagogical one that has its foundations in youth participatory action research methodology (YPAR). Adopting a strategy which does not discount the relationship between private troubles and broader social issues and patterns also implies a shift away from traditional explanations of student disengagement which focus solely on the individual. We should go beyond the traditional pathological or patronising view by asserting that young people have the capacity and agency to analyse their social context, to engage in critical research collectively, and to challenge and resist forces impeding their possibilities for liberation. (Cammarota & Fine, 2008) All the pedagogical tools which we aim to utilise will contribute to building space for critical inquiry and praxis. The ultimate aim is to equip students to analyse the problem within context, to develop and implement solutions, to critically evaluate solutions and then to continue the praxis cycle. Though the process begins as an action group exercise, it ultimately leads into a school-wide campaign that benefits all stakeholders. They will have learned how to exercise collective imagination to envision futures that are better for their school, believing that they can contribute to making the world a better place.

Project C.R.E.A.T.E. (Community Rehabilitation Empowering Artists Through Edutainment) by Heal the Hood Project
To bring about change amongst youth in South Africa by increasing their knowledge about their democratic and human rights. We intend doing this with a modern approach fusing the core objective into popular youth culture forms using multimedia and skills transfer workshops. In this multi-tiered approach Heal the Hood will not only be teaching pupils the elements of Hip Hop ( Rap, Urban Dance, Graffiti, DJ), Film making & editing and Event Management we will also be imparting life skills, knowledge of self, childrens rights, democratic practices and rights.
Programmes (2):
Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 to 6) Mathematics Support by The Principals Academy
This programme commenced in 2015. Intermediate phase teachers from these schools who teach Mathematics, attend one-hour workshops in the afternoons after school, on a weekly basis (approximately 8 workshops per term). Programme design process. establishing in the learners a strong foundational knowledge of Maths tables, bonds and general numeracy skills through the Mental Maths programme building learners knowledge of the concepts required in the curriculum with the emphasis on the use of concrete materials leading to understanding followed by targeted practice equipping teachers with a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject improving teaching skills and methodology covering concepts required by the WCED CAPS curriculum developing effective assessment tools and processes

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (1):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
P3 - RESOURCE CENTER/ AFTER SCHOOL CARE (ASC) by Glen Elgin Community Organization
Providing quality development, care and protection with a holistic approach that physically, mentally, emotionally, morally and socially develops children to broaden their knowledge, build their confidence, better their reading and writing, learn computer literacy and address social challenges all during their developmental phase.
Programmes (4):
Literacy Tutor Programme by help2read
We recruit and train unemployed, literate adults from township communities to be Literacy Tutors and deliver our literacy programme in township schools. The Literacy Tutors receive a stipend and participate in a personal development and work readiness programme, helping them to secure a better future for themselves and their families.

Reading Eggs by 3P Learning
Reading Eggs supports learners reading skills with carefully designed online reading games and activities which are easy to follow, student-driven, progressional and highly engaging. Reading is just part of the adventure! Programme has an online library of over 2500 aged readers, all with online quiz driving reading with meaning.

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

Technical Teaching Assistants by Green Shoots
Technical Teaching Assistants (TTAs) are placed in schools to support the teachers in such a way that the teachers develop confidence in the use of ITs. Post Matric individuals living in the communities where the schools are located are trained & mentored as part of this 2 year work-readiness programme. These TTAs become part of the immediate school community with a clearly defined career path. When surveyed 90% of young people on our TTA programme indicated that they would be pursuing further studies within 1-2 years, with several of our skills development trainees have subsequently pursued careers in teaching.
Programmes (2):
Groendal Secondary by Actuarial Society Education Trust
Provision of Maths, Science, Life Sciences and Accounting material from Paper Video, in collaboration with MiDO Technologies.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Butterfly House (Pre-school and afterschool) by Butterfly House
Specialised Pre school and afterschool programmes for community vulnerable and sick children focusing on health and wellness, safety and security, Education and Health Literacy and a hopeful future
Programmes (2):
Pay-It-Forward Ambassadors Programme by The Chaeli Campaign
A youth leadership through social entrepreneurship programme

Diversion Program by First Community Resource Centre
This programme is suitable for School learners aged 13-19.Those who are currently caught in drugs and high risk behaviours.We current run a 6 week behavior modification program with the learners.Theses are learners referred to our programme by the school in our community.
Programmes (1):
Live Music Performances by South African Association for Jazz Education
This programme aims to develop an interest in and appreciation of live music by showcasing music performances and conducting workshops at schools in urban and rural areas of the Western Cape.
Programmes (1):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (1):
Leadership Development by Foundation Backbone
Through Leadership Programmes and by focussing on Personal Growth and Development, we help shaping the lives of underprivileged children to rise above their challenging circumstances. Our annual program is build on 4 pillars of Leadership elements and include Values, Relationships, Communication, Conflict and Decision Making. The kids are exposed to venues in and around Cape Town and we teach the elements of leadership through fun activities. We reward their commitment with a camp at the end of the year.
Programmes (2):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

EduSport by Play Sport4Life NPC
One of PS4Ls primary objectives is to support educational institutions, particularly schools, through improvement of facilities and physical educational enrichment programs as well as innovative after school programs. Many of the most disadvantaged schools in South Africa have little to no capacity for funding physical education or sport for their learners. In order to provide physical education to learners, they are reliant on external aid and assistance. Learners are provided with advanced physical education during their Life Orientation classes as part of our EduSport program Trained and experienced PS4L coaches conduct the classes, clinics, and after school programs. The activities are planned according to the developmental need of learners and in consultation with the schools sports coordinator and principal. The consultation between PS4L, the coaching staff, and school management ensures that the work of PS4L is of the upmost value to the learners. The physical education classes and after school sport programs are focused on the development of motor skills; hand-eye coordination; improving discipline and the values of good sportsmanship; building stamina and improving general health and wellbeing; and promoting a positive attitude towards health and physical activity in general. Through sport, children have a real opportunity to gain confidence and a voice.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (2):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

EduSport by Play Sport4Life NPC
One of PS4Ls primary objectives is to support educational institutions, particularly schools, through improvement of facilities and physical educational enrichment programs as well as innovative after school programs. Many of the most disadvantaged schools in South Africa have little to no capacity for funding physical education or sport for their learners. In order to provide physical education to learners, they are reliant on external aid and assistance. Learners are provided with advanced physical education during their Life Orientation classes as part of our EduSport program Trained and experienced PS4L coaches conduct the classes, clinics, and after school programs. The activities are planned according to the developmental need of learners and in consultation with the schools sports coordinator and principal. The consultation between PS4L, the coaching staff, and school management ensures that the work of PS4L is of the upmost value to the learners. The physical education classes and after school sport programs are focused on the development of motor skills; hand-eye coordination; improving discipline and the values of good sportsmanship; building stamina and improving general health and wellbeing; and promoting a positive attitude towards health and physical activity in general. Through sport, children have a real opportunity to gain confidence and a voice.
Programmes (1):
Innovate the Cape by Innovate South Africa
Innovate the Cape is a high school innovation challenge. An innovation ignition team runs design thinking workshops with youth around Cape Town asking learners to come up with solutions to local problems. The learners submit their ideas which are evaluated by an international judging panel. The the top groups are chosen to go through a prototyping phase. Each group is given seed funding, mentors and attend design thinking and entrepreneurship workshops to help them kickstart their ideas. At the end of the prototyping phase the groups have a final showcase to pitch for further funding.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (4):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (3):
Live Music Performances by South African Association for Jazz Education
This programme aims to develop an interest in and appreciation of live music by showcasing music performances and conducting workshops at schools in urban and rural areas of the Western Cape.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Pay-It-Forward Ambassadors Programme by The Chaeli Campaign
A youth leadership through social entrepreneurship programme
Programmes (4):
Homework Enrichment Lifeskills Programme [HELP] by HELP
We give after-school homework support to primary school children from Gr 1 - 6 at Heathfield Primary in Elfindale and Gr 5 and 6 at Thomas Wildschutt Senior Primary in Retreat. We make learning fun with various exercises and concentrate on literacy, numeracy, improving the children's general knowledge, lifeskills and focus. We have a library where children are also encouraged to take books home to read and we have toys for the children to play with when they have finished their work. We ensure that each child has a nutritious sandwich, a juice and a seasonal fruit. We teach the children respect and taking responsibility, sharing and caring for themselves and each other. We give children basic art classes in painting, drawing and colouring in.

Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.

Adolescent Prevention & intervention Programmes by Hope House Counselling Centre
1. Life Skills, which give learners the skills & tools to make good choices and supports the L.O curriculum,giving them an understanding of themselves and how they fit into society and what type of person they would like to become 2 Brief Addiction Intervention - to stop migration from dagga to harder drugs 3. Longer addiction intervention for learners 4 Strengthening Families programme - teaching the family unit skills on being a cohesive, functional family All these programmes are run on a continuum, and are aimed at retaining the learners in school till Grade 12 All these programmes are evidence based programmes

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Music for Life by MusicWorks
The Music for Life programme (children and young people age 6-18) is an after school programme facilitated by community musicians (and supported by music therapists) and located at different under resourced sites in Cape Town. It offers marimba training and gumboot dance workshops that provide safe and innovative spaces for children and young people to: master musical and creative skills; make discoveries about themselves and interpersonal relationships; and build connections with parents and members of their communities. The bonus is that it provides a safe alternative to life on the streets. The programme also creates opportunities for young people to be witnessed appreciatively within their own communities, and beyond.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (3):
# Be the Dream Program by DREAM FACTORY FOUNDATION
At the beginning of the year, we hit the road to visit our partnering schools during their assembly period which enables us to see the entire student body. Our youthful and energetic team perform an inspirational and edutaining show that includes live musical performances, games, a motivational talk and a call for grade 9 learners to join the #BeTheDream programme through writing dream letters #BeTheDream is a nine-month with weekly session educational programme designed to develop and enhance participants self-development skills. It creates an environment that offers points of connection and allows its participants to build their own solutions to social and economic challenges that they face. The programme therefore seeks to shift perception of the adult generation as to the ability and role young South Africans have in shaping the future of this country through their dreams and aspirations.

Partners for Possibility (PfP) by Symphonia for South Africa
PfP is a leadership development programme that partners school principals and business leaders to create a better future for all our children in South Africa. In a year-long journey, the two leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead change in complex environments, as well as build a strong reciprocal co-learning and co-action partnership. This foundation then enables them to make a sustainable impact on the school community and the quality of education at the school by focusing on four levels in the school environment: The school principal, who becomes confident and energized; The School Management Team (more aligned and cohesive); The teachers (more energized and ready for change); The parents and community (more engaged and supportive of the school). School principals and their business partners also join a community of practice with similar partnerships, facilitated by an experienced coach, which works as solutions incubator. After the year they join the PfP alumni community, where they are able to maintain and extend the social capital that they have built.

Growing Communities of Readers by FunDza Literacy Trust
FunDza works to get teens reading and writing for pleasure. We've created a 'library on a cellphone' filled with the specially created stories that hook young South African readers in, and keep them coming back for more. We reach teens where they spend their time, on their cellphones. Our Growing Communities of Readers programme provides quality South African literature to thousands of readers by leveraging the reach of basic cellphone technology on a platform that facilitates engagement and promotes discussion and interaction with the reader. To engage fully with the youth market, FunDza delivers reading material through its mobi network, accessible via a responsive web site, Mxit app and Android app. FunDza showcases and commissions content from a range of well-known authors. Further development is making this space even more interactive and community-oriented. Within this programme FunDza reaches on average 50,000 unique readers every month. The average session length is around 13 minutes, which indicates a high level of engagement with the platform and with the content. An evaluation of this programme by UCTs Monitoring and Evaluation Unit found that readers who engaged most frequently with the programme, were more likely to report that they read in greater quantities (amount and time spent), that they were more keen to read and that their language skills were improving. Join our #ReadingRevolution at and on Mxit.
Programmes (2):
Learner support programme by Edunova
Improved spelling through word recognition Improve vocabulary, communication and reading of content in across all subject areas and question papers with a solid understanding English terminology Develop a fondness for reading in general Development of technology skills through teaching and learning

The IT Entrepreneur (ITE) programme by Edunova
The ITE Programme is designed to support the use of ICT in schools by recruiting, placing, training, developing and mentoring young adults to carry out this work This programme is for both primary and high schools The assumption is that a number of schools participate as cluster This programme provides the young adult with a training programme to dramatically improve their chance of being employed The ongoing lack of ICT skills in the school environment enables this programme to be viable, well received and effective The programme is much more than an ICT course and supports the young adult in developing a well-rounded set of skills enabling him/her to be prepared for a range of work opportunities
Programmes (1):
Leadership Development by Foundation Backbone
Through Leadership Programmes and by focussing on Personal Growth and Development, we help shaping the lives of underprivileged children to rise above their challenging circumstances. Our annual program is build on 4 pillars of Leadership elements and include Values, Relationships, Communication, Conflict and Decision Making. The kids are exposed to venues in and around Cape Town and we teach the elements of leadership through fun activities. We reward their commitment with a camp at the end of the year.
Programmes (3):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.

Reading Eggs by 3P Learning
Reading Eggs supports learners reading skills with carefully designed online reading games and activities which are easy to follow, student-driven, progressional and highly engaging. Reading is just part of the adventure! Programme has an online library of over 2500 aged readers, all with online quiz driving reading with meaning.

Holiday Programme by Cape Leopard Trust
The annual holiday programme runs during the winter school holiday and provide up to 20 participants with a magical 10-day experience. Participants explore local resources such as the Two Oceans Aquarium, Natural History Museum and Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. They could even visit sites offered by our Day Excursions options. They take part in activities ranging from hiking and kayaking to learning about caracals being collared in the mountains and creating art from natural objects and clay. Topics vary depending on the group interest and the age of the participants.
Programmes (1):
Eco-Clubs by Cape Leopard Trust
The eco-clubs are an effective way to have a longer interaction with groups to build on a theme over a series of activities and outings. The goal of the eco clubs is to support the initial stages of a school based club that will continue after the involvement of The Cape Leopard Trust. Themes vary depending on the interest and focus of a club; however, most eco clubs do at least six sessions with an Environmental Educator. Sessions will usually include school based activities such as presentations, a sustainability assessment of the building or planting a vegetable garden. A club will also include various outings to local nature reserves where students may learn how to do a river water assessment, explore caves or challenge themselves with a hike.
Programmes (1):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.
Programmes (3):
InterClass Project by Play Sport4Life NPC
PS4L implements Interclass Game Programs that can be held during break, and after school. The Interclass Game Program uses sports and reacreational activities to engage the students with each other in a way that promotes health and wellness. Our PS4L coaches coordinate the Interclass Game Program activities in an instructive, productive, friendly and fun manner thats beneficial to the learners, their schools and their commmunities. Activities range from the use of various sport codes (i.e. athletics, soccer, rugby, hockey, netball, table tennis, baseball, basketball, etc.) to creative playground games (i.e. obstacle course, skipping rope, four square, hand ball, tug of war, etc.).

Life Coaching by Play Sport4Life NPC
Life Coaching allows the learners to experience a journey in personal development and self-discovery. Youth coaching and mentoring services empowers youth with valuable life-skills and encourage self-confidence with a goal-driven focus. The program enables youth to discover who they are and what their place in the world is. Youth coaching services are available on one-on-one basis or in group environments depending on what the specific needs are. Group coaching offers powerful opportunities to transform within a group environment, regardless of whether participants are working toward individual or common goals. While the experience is often described as deeply rewarding, participants also frequently develop strong new bonds through these collective experiences.

EduSport by Play Sport4Life NPC
One of PS4Ls primary objectives is to support educational institutions, particularly schools, through improvement of facilities and physical educational enrichment programs as well as innovative after school programs. Many of the most disadvantaged schools in South Africa have little to no capacity for funding physical education or sport for their learners. In order to provide physical education to learners, they are reliant on external aid and assistance. Learners are provided with advanced physical education during their Life Orientation classes as part of our EduSport program Trained and experienced PS4L coaches conduct the classes, clinics, and after school programs. The activities are planned according to the developmental need of learners and in consultation with the schools sports coordinator and principal. The consultation between PS4L, the coaching staff, and school management ensures that the work of PS4L is of the upmost value to the learners. The physical education classes and after school sport programs are focused on the development of motor skills; hand-eye coordination; improving discipline and the values of good sportsmanship; building stamina and improving general health and wellbeing; and promoting a positive attitude towards health and physical activity in general. Through sport, children have a real opportunity to gain confidence and a voice.
Programmes (7):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.

Reading Eggs by 3P Learning
Reading Eggs supports learners reading skills with carefully designed online reading games and activities which are easy to follow, student-driven, progressional and highly engaging. Reading is just part of the adventure! Programme has an online library of over 2500 aged readers, all with online quiz driving reading with meaning.

Year Beyond by Action Volunteers Africa
YearBeyond (Yebo) was initiated to complement the MOD programme and introduces the required homework and academic support programme elements to enable a well rounded learner who is able to excel in the school environment. This programme is offered after school. AVA is responsible for the recruitment and training of volunteers who offer the programme in the after-school space, as well as managing the programme in 11 schools.

Maths@Home by Green Shoots
Maths@Home is perfect for any group/school/organisation who want to support their learners with Maths without needing to have a Maths teacher on-site. Maths@Home allows a structured and accountable homework system that learners enjoy using. We have support materials for facilitators to help them run sessions and support & encourage learners. Maths@Home is available for grades 3, 4, 5 & 6. Learners can work at their own pace and target specific topics to practise. Brain Quests are 15 minutes long and are instantly marked. Learners can attempt more difficult questions as they master each topic. The final Brian Challenge allows learners to practice examination styles (ANA) questions. The Maths content of Maths@Home is structured according to the CAPS. Parents and learners can track achievement topic by topic throughout the term. Maths@Home is the perfect preparation tool for school and external assessments, including the Annual National Assessment for Mathematics.

Reading Eggs by Click Foundation Trust
Reading Eggs intervention is to assist learners achieve English literacy proficiency at an age appropriate level and beyond. Our focus is on learners from Grade R to Grade 4, in formal school environments. As a secondary target group we will assist informal environments (ECD and Afterschool) with access to the programme. The programme: Supports acquisition of foundation phase literacy skills and can back-fill gaps Online, phonetics based Provides visual and auditory instruction (reading games, activities, songs, animation, rewards) Repetition, revision and consolidation of skills Individualised (1:1) and self-paced learning Requires only basic facilitation We have created a job opportunity model with the employment of facilitators from the local community to work in the school's computer lab. The role has been a job creation opportunity for out-of-work youth and parents who have displayed an interest in technology and in working with their local communities.Where possible, we have leveraged existing unused, or under-utilised computer rooms. The environments are co-ordinated and managed by existing staff or facilitators. Visit for more information.

Year Beyond by Shine Literacy
Through Shines partnership with the Western Cape Education Departments Year Beyond Programme, we are training and supporting unemployed matriculants and graduates to deliver the Shine Literacy Hour in underperforming primary schools. This not only takes our proven programme to more schools and children, but also provides valuable leadership and self-development opportunities to young adults. The Shine Literacy Hour supports primary school children to strengthen their English reading, writing and speaking skills.

Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (1):
After School Innovation by Hands Of Prosperity
This particular Programme targets Grade 4, 7, 8 & 9 Learners in the field of Mathematics & Science. The Programme is scheduled on Mondays & Wednesdays @ 15:00 - 16:30 and will be facilitated by two Qualified Educators.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
Young Knitters Club by Learning In Reach
Knitting lessons for children aged 6-13 years old.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
I study for a Purpose by Learner's Movement of South Africa
I Study for a Purpose (ISP) is an educational centred programme that thrives to guide the career aspirations and life skills of learners from early childhood development until tertiary level, with an aim of creating a culture of studying by making them aware of their full potential, exposing them to further opportunities in relation to their desired career aspirations and ensuring an effective utilization of those opportunities at their disposal so to pave better future for themselves, families and our nation. ISP is our pilot programme and through it we are making the meaningful contribution into our beneficiaries academic and developmental lives through providing weekly career guidance sessions which helps them to reflect and further focus on their ambitions, interests and make informed decisions. Through such an initiative we in advance create the much-needed career awareness, encourage learners to conduct depth research on their desired career paths, teach them how to plan, execution of their made decisions and we mentor, if not so, link them to relevant structures and institutions that are relevant to conducting such services. Annual Career Guidance Expo is a project that creates a platform and a market for over 300 grade 11 12 learners, 50 unemployed and 50 residents a year from the townships that over a period of have been implemented in the previous 3 years (2014 -2016) in 4 occasions between Delft and Belhar with an exhibitors base of over 60 ranging
Programmes (1):
Cluster Project by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
The Cluster Project - a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with specific project schools in collaboration with the Education Department, benefiting over 300 teachers per cycle. PSPs Cluster Project works in collaboration with the Education Department. It is a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with foundation phase Mathematics teachers and intermediate phase Natural Sciences & Technology (NST) teachers, from small clusters of schools identified by the Department as the most in need.
Programmes (1):
Cape Town Outreach Programme by Dance for All
Dance for All s Cape Town Outreach Programme welcomes children aged from five to young adults at its dance classes, free of charge, in a safe, structured environment where they learn valuable skills. Youngsters of all levels of ability are welcomed to the classes which introduce them to various styles of dance. Benefits include increased confidence, self-discipline, respect, physical development and an appreciation of healthy living. Classes in classical Ballet, African dance, Contemporary and Spanish dance are offered daily in school classrooms and community halls in Khayelitsha, Athlone, Langa, Delft and Kenilworth. During school holidays and with transport provided, additional programmes and workshops are offered to city-based young dance students by Dance for All at its studios in Athlone. In addition to their regular classes, students participate in a variety of performances, enabling added focus and motivation. Such performances nurture the students self-esteem, develop confidence and performance skills.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Holiday Programme by Cape Leopard Trust
The annual holiday programme runs during the winter school holiday and provide up to 20 participants with a magical 10-day experience. Participants explore local resources such as the Two Oceans Aquarium, Natural History Museum and Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. They could even visit sites offered by our Day Excursions options. They take part in activities ranging from hiking and kayaking to learning about caracals being collared in the mountains and creating art from natural objects and clay. Topics vary depending on the group interest and the age of the participants.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Presentations by Cape Leopard Trust
Our one-hour presentations provide a glimpse into the research findings of the Cape Leopard Trust. Showing photographs from camera traps or a map of the range of an adult leopard, these presentations are ideal for school size groups and classrooms alike. They can be adapted for children, young people and adults over the age of ten but are not suitable for younger audiences.
Programmes (1):
WCYO Development & Orchestral Programs by West Coast Youth Orchestra
Carinas Musici Orchestra was established in 1996, with a handful of children practising as one huge mixed ensemble. Soon under the careful care, guidance and expertise of founding member, Ms. Carina Brown the numbers grew rapidly & the various ensemble groups started to participate in local events and Eisteddfods. Towards the end of August 2013, the West Coast Youth Orchestra, 132-992 NPO was registered. The WCYO proudly operates in an honest, transparent & disciplined manner that adhere to the Code of Conduct of the Non Profit Ac. The community and local schools have therefore gained a trust in the WCYO ensuring the success of current and future projects. We build our projects on a firm foundation that would simultaneously benefit the students, schools and their communities, enabling excellent partnerships with community leaders, that are addressing the pressing social and cultural needs of West Coast. Our Development & Orchestral Programs provide opportunities for youth music tuition, development orchestras and higher education opportunities, that is not easy accessible on the West Coast. Currently students from all different cultures participate in 5 interlocking training & development programs in local schools with established outreach & skills development projects in Saldanha, Vredenburg, Langebaan and Hopefield.
Programmes (7):
MOT Life-skills Education Programmes by MOT South Africa
MOT offers two programmes; one for learners between the ages of 12 and 16 years and one offered at TVET Colleges for students between the ages of 16 and 35 years. To ensure transformational change amongst individuals and in learning environments, the MOT programmes are implemented on a long-term and structured basis. The MOT sessions, based on highly regarded behavioural theories, draw on methodologies of interactive group discussions, games, role-plays, story-telling and self-reflection to enhance the learning outcomes and behavioural change. The youth love the learning experiences provided by the trained MOT coaches. The MOT sessions create interactive and supportive learning opportunities for youth to learn about themselves and to overcome inter-racial, language and cultural barriers. MOT builds trust in youth that they have the potential to make conscious choices, that will enable them to be successful in life. MOT focuses on being proactive; to avoid high-risk behaviour by thinking about the consequences. The life and critical thinking skills of young people are developed for them to make conscious choices that will help them achieve their life goals and dreams. The trained MOT coaches are provided with instruction manuals and each session has specific learning outcomes. Through interactive and experiential learning, the youth actively participate in their personal and interpersonal growth and development. MOT SA is accredited by the Services Seta as a training provider.

Music Education on various instruments by Kronendal Music Academy
Pupils have access to musical instruments, music and singing lessons, a meal, homework support, a social worker, and a safe space to spend their afternoons. 1. double bass, cello, violin, viola, 2. classical guitar, rock and jazz guitar, electric bass, 3. piano, accordion, 4. vocal training, 5. recorder, flute, clarinet and saxophone 6. drum kit, African instruments, marimbas, xylophones, 7. trumpet, trombone, euphonium, French horn All pupils are involved in an ensemble: Junior or Senior Jazz bands, Brass Band, Djembe group, Childrens Choir, Rock Band and Orchestra. All pupils are offered workshops and regular performances.

Holiday Programme by Cape Leopard Trust
The annual holiday programme runs during the winter school holiday and provide up to 20 participants with a magical 10-day experience. Participants explore local resources such as the Two Oceans Aquarium, Natural History Museum and Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. They could even visit sites offered by our Day Excursions options. They take part in activities ranging from hiking and kayaking to learning about caracals being collared in the mountains and creating art from natural objects and clay. Topics vary depending on the group interest and the age of the participants.

PASCAP Centres of Excellence by PASCAP Trust
Six after school centres have been developed to create an environment where learners can take part in a variety of programmes and be provided with the opportunity to learn and attain skills in a safe space. All our After School Centres (ASC) are based on school premises across the Western Cape, this makes it convenient for learners to join our programmes and has thus led to building long-lasting relationships with the local communities.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Game Lab by Learning Innovation Design Lab
Game Lab is an 8-week long, after-school program that teaches high school students how to design, develop and program their own video games using an online tool called Scratch. To some, choosing to teach video game design may seem like an out of the box idea, but the process actually reinforces educational outcomes and helps the students develop their English and storytelling skills, mathematics and logic competencies and improves social awareness and other interpersonal skills. The Game Lab course is also designed to provide students with the opportunity to get comfortable with technology and, more specifically, the concepts and approaches to coding, to prepare them for careers in an ever more technology-reliant and engaged world.

Learning Arcade by Learning Innovation Design Lab
The Learning Arcade is an after school drop-in space where all interested learners have access to the tech lab and a curated selection of educational games and resources are available in order to expand learners access to new technology, information, and ideas!
Programmes (1):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (1):
Wilderness Camps by Cape Leopard Trust
All camps have an underlying goal, which is that young people develop an understanding of and connection with the wilderness. We use a combination of adventure, art and science to this end. Topics/ themes to be covered are discussed with teachers and group leaders or we present a tailor-made package of activities for the 3-5 day camps in the Cederberg. Themes include: Animals of the Western Cape Leopard and caracal research Black eagle research Human-wildlife conflict Animal tracking Rock art and archaeology Astronomy Fynbos biomes Birds and insects pollination Reptiles and scorpions Geology Geography Survival and navigation skills Art, writing and photography Life skills and self-development Trips can be adapted according to the curriculum and the interests of a particular group, or to address current conservation challenges. This year we have placed particular emphasis on teaching children about saving water, as well as the effects of fire and drought. Activities include hiking to learn more about leopards and other animals of the Western Cape, learning about other forms of biodiversity, cave exploration, visiting rock art sites, night walks, astronomy and scorpion searches.
Programmes (2):
Lights On by Hillsong Africa Foundation
Afterschool kids' club.

READBABYREAD by Hillsong Africa Foundation
Literacy Development Project with the aim to empower primary schools across Africa to actively and effectively fight illiteracy.
Programmes (1):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
Growing Communities of Readers by FunDza Literacy Trust
FunDza works to get teens reading and writing for pleasure. We've created a 'library on a cellphone' filled with the specially created stories that hook young South African readers in, and keep them coming back for more. We reach teens where they spend their time, on their cellphones. Our Growing Communities of Readers programme provides quality South African literature to thousands of readers by leveraging the reach of basic cellphone technology on a platform that facilitates engagement and promotes discussion and interaction with the reader. To engage fully with the youth market, FunDza delivers reading material through its mobi network, accessible via a responsive web site, Mxit app and Android app. FunDza showcases and commissions content from a range of well-known authors. Further development is making this space even more interactive and community-oriented. Within this programme FunDza reaches on average 50,000 unique readers every month. The average session length is around 13 minutes, which indicates a high level of engagement with the platform and with the content. An evaluation of this programme by UCTs Monitoring and Evaluation Unit found that readers who engaged most frequently with the programme, were more likely to report that they read in greater quantities (amount and time spent), that they were more keen to read and that their language skills were improving. Join our #ReadingRevolution at and on Mxit.
Programmes (3):
Reading Eggs by Click Foundation Trust
Reading Eggs intervention is to assist learners achieve English literacy proficiency at an age appropriate level and beyond. Our focus is on learners from Grade R to Grade 4, in formal school environments. As a secondary target group we will assist informal environments (ECD and Afterschool) with access to the programme. The programme: Supports acquisition of foundation phase literacy skills and can back-fill gaps Online, phonetics based Provides visual and auditory instruction (reading games, activities, songs, animation, rewards) Repetition, revision and consolidation of skills Individualised (1:1) and self-paced learning Requires only basic facilitation We have created a job opportunity model with the employment of facilitators from the local community to work in the school's computer lab. The role has been a job creation opportunity for out-of-work youth and parents who have displayed an interest in technology and in working with their local communities.Where possible, we have leveraged existing unused, or under-utilised computer rooms. The environments are co-ordinated and managed by existing staff or facilitators. Visit for more information.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Community Keepers by Community Keepers NPC
Community Keepers, was founded in 2008 to specifically offer free professional psychological and social services to children, their teachers and parents. We believe that You cannot teach a traumatized child. We set up school-based offices (usually modified from an unused classroom) from where services are delivered, full time, by our social workers, psychologists (clinical and educational), and registered counsellors. We have 40 staff members who are professionally qualified and registered mental health professionals. Our offices are open Monday to Friday from 07:30 to 15:30 and the following services are delivered: assessments, counselling and therapy; life skills programmes; teacher development; and parenting programmes. To date, thousands of children, as well as their teachers and parents/guardians have benefitted from our professional services which have led to various positive outcomes, including improved behaviour and better academic performance. We currently have 21 school-based therapy offices in Stellenbosch and Cape Town. We aim to have 100 offices nationwide by 2025
Programmes (3):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

MOT Life-skills Education Programmes by MOT South Africa
MOT offers two programmes; one for learners between the ages of 12 and 16 years and one offered at TVET Colleges for students between the ages of 16 and 35 years. To ensure transformational change amongst individuals and in learning environments, the MOT programmes are implemented on a long-term and structured basis. The MOT sessions, based on highly regarded behavioural theories, draw on methodologies of interactive group discussions, games, role-plays, story-telling and self-reflection to enhance the learning outcomes and behavioural change. The youth love the learning experiences provided by the trained MOT coaches. The MOT sessions create interactive and supportive learning opportunities for youth to learn about themselves and to overcome inter-racial, language and cultural barriers. MOT builds trust in youth that they have the potential to make conscious choices, that will enable them to be successful in life. MOT focuses on being proactive; to avoid high-risk behaviour by thinking about the consequences. The life and critical thinking skills of young people are developed for them to make conscious choices that will help them achieve their life goals and dreams. The trained MOT coaches are provided with instruction manuals and each session has specific learning outcomes. Through interactive and experiential learning, the youth actively participate in their personal and interpersonal growth and development. MOT SA is accredited by the Services Seta as a training provider.

Wilderness Camps by Cape Leopard Trust
All camps have an underlying goal, which is that young people develop an understanding of and connection with the wilderness. We use a combination of adventure, art and science to this end. Topics/ themes to be covered are discussed with teachers and group leaders or we present a tailor-made package of activities for the 3-5 day camps in the Cederberg. Themes include: Animals of the Western Cape Leopard and caracal research Black eagle research Human-wildlife conflict Animal tracking Rock art and archaeology Astronomy Fynbos biomes Birds and insects pollination Reptiles and scorpions Geology Geography Survival and navigation skills Art, writing and photography Life skills and self-development Trips can be adapted according to the curriculum and the interests of a particular group, or to address current conservation challenges. This year we have placed particular emphasis on teaching children about saving water, as well as the effects of fire and drought. Activities include hiking to learn more about leopards and other animals of the Western Cape, learning about other forms of biodiversity, cave exploration, visiting rock art sites, night walks, astronomy and scorpion searches.
Programmes (2):
Education Programme by Just Grace NPC
Just Grace is a non-profit company with the overarching objective of poverty alleviation in Langa, Cape Town. Our first initiative is our Education Programme which involves after-school tutoring, mentoring, career guidance, university/college application assistance, and computer training for grade 10, 11 and 12 learners. The programme is open to any learners who live or attend school in Langa. This programme is designed to assist the youth in Langa to reach their full potential and to allow them to meaningfully contribute to society.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Reading Eggs by Click Foundation Trust
Reading Eggs intervention is to assist learners achieve English literacy proficiency at an age appropriate level and beyond. Our focus is on learners from Grade R to Grade 4, in formal school environments. As a secondary target group we will assist informal environments (ECD and Afterschool) with access to the programme. The programme: Supports acquisition of foundation phase literacy skills and can back-fill gaps Online, phonetics based Provides visual and auditory instruction (reading games, activities, songs, animation, rewards) Repetition, revision and consolidation of skills Individualised (1:1) and self-paced learning Requires only basic facilitation We have created a job opportunity model with the employment of facilitators from the local community to work in the school's computer lab. The role has been a job creation opportunity for out-of-work youth and parents who have displayed an interest in technology and in working with their local communities.Where possible, we have leveraged existing unused, or under-utilised computer rooms. The environments are co-ordinated and managed by existing staff or facilitators. Visit for more information.
Programmes (1):
Eco-Clubs by Cape Leopard Trust
The eco-clubs are an effective way to have a longer interaction with groups to build on a theme over a series of activities and outings. The goal of the eco clubs is to support the initial stages of a school based club that will continue after the involvement of The Cape Leopard Trust. Themes vary depending on the interest and focus of a club; however, most eco clubs do at least six sessions with an Environmental Educator. Sessions will usually include school based activities such as presentations, a sustainability assessment of the building or planting a vegetable garden. A club will also include various outings to local nature reserves where students may learn how to do a river water assessment, explore caves or challenge themselves with a hike.
Programmes (4):
Year Beyond by Action Volunteers Africa
YearBeyond (Yebo) was initiated to complement the MOD programme and introduces the required homework and academic support programme elements to enable a well rounded learner who is able to excel in the school environment. This programme is offered after school. AVA is responsible for the recruitment and training of volunteers who offer the programme in the after-school space, as well as managing the programme in 11 schools.

Maths@Home by Green Shoots
Maths@Home is perfect for any group/school/organisation who want to support their learners with Maths without needing to have a Maths teacher on-site. Maths@Home allows a structured and accountable homework system that learners enjoy using. We have support materials for facilitators to help them run sessions and support & encourage learners. Maths@Home is available for grades 3, 4, 5 & 6. Learners can work at their own pace and target specific topics to practise. Brain Quests are 15 minutes long and are instantly marked. Learners can attempt more difficult questions as they master each topic. The final Brian Challenge allows learners to practice examination styles (ANA) questions. The Maths content of Maths@Home is structured according to the CAPS. Parents and learners can track achievement topic by topic throughout the term. Maths@Home is the perfect preparation tool for school and external assessments, including the Annual National Assessment for Mathematics.

Reading Eggs by Click Foundation Trust
Reading Eggs intervention is to assist learners achieve English literacy proficiency at an age appropriate level and beyond. Our focus is on learners from Grade R to Grade 4, in formal school environments. As a secondary target group we will assist informal environments (ECD and Afterschool) with access to the programme. The programme: Supports acquisition of foundation phase literacy skills and can back-fill gaps Online, phonetics based Provides visual and auditory instruction (reading games, activities, songs, animation, rewards) Repetition, revision and consolidation of skills Individualised (1:1) and self-paced learning Requires only basic facilitation We have created a job opportunity model with the employment of facilitators from the local community to work in the school's computer lab. The role has been a job creation opportunity for out-of-work youth and parents who have displayed an interest in technology and in working with their local communities.Where possible, we have leveraged existing unused, or under-utilised computer rooms. The environments are co-ordinated and managed by existing staff or facilitators. Visit for more information.

Year Beyond by Shine Literacy
Through Shines partnership with the Western Cape Education Departments Year Beyond Programme, we are training and supporting unemployed matriculants and graduates to deliver the Shine Literacy Hour in underperforming primary schools. This not only takes our proven programme to more schools and children, but also provides valuable leadership and self-development opportunities to young adults. The Shine Literacy Hour supports primary school children to strengthen their English reading, writing and speaking skills.
IMBASA PRIM.Cnr New Eisleben Road & Sonwab, Old Crossroads, OLD CROSSROADS, PHILLIPI, METRO SOUTH
Programmes (2):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Primary School Maths and Sciences Community Based by Ithemba Lethu Learning Centre
This programme provides 3 hourly sessions per week ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ) after lessons have finished for 30 to 35 weeks in a school year.It operates at 11 schools and we focus on grades 6 and 7. The number of learners in this programme, the average is 1000.
Programmes (2):
Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
PSPs Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) is a two-year cycle of mentorship that supports first-time teachers in their early years in the profession, fast-tracking their adjustment to the school and teaching environments and ensuring they are well-prepared to teach. The project responds to a pattern in South Africa of new teachers leaving the occupation within their first few years of teaching, often due to being overwhelmed by the challenges and realities of the classroom. The PSP aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical training they have received at university or teacher training institutions, and the realities of classroom practice and managing workloads, in order to encourage more confident, knowledgeable and better-equipped teachers. Each first-time teacher (FTT) enrolled in the Project is assigned a PSP Mentor who will coach and support them over the next 2 years. The PSP Mentor visits the teacher in their school to discuss the challenges and difficulties they face, and a tailored plan of integrated support is drawn up. The PSP Mentor also joins the FTT in their classroom to observe HOW they teach, noting any additional obstacles and tackling these issues through coaching, training and materials support.

After School Programme by Amy Foundation formerly The Amy Biehl Foundation
Our Amy Foundation After School Programme (ASP) currently operates five afterschool centres: Mimosa Primary (Bonteheuwel), iSigcawu Primary (Crossroads), Siyazingisa Primary (Gugulethu), Bongolethu Primary (Philippi), and Impendulo Primary (Khayelitsha). Each of our After School Centres (ASCs) are open to all local learners aged 5 - 18, not only those students who attend the school at which our ASP operates. Each of our After School Centres (ASCs) operate daily, Monday - Thursday, from 15h00 - 17h30. Impendulo Primary ASC in Khayelitsha runs Monday - Friday. Our After School Programme (ASP) offers learners a variety of programmes/disciplines. Learners have a choice of which class they attend and are strongly encouraged to attend a class for at least a term before changing classes. Some learners choose to attend the same class for several years, while others choose to 'sample' a variety of classes over the years, spending time in one class and then going on to another. Each class falls under a larger 'Programme', as such the Amy Foundation ASP is currently comprised of five programmes, which are: Sport (including soccer, hockey, cricket, netball, rugby); Arts and Culture (including traditional dance, Kwaito dance, Pantsula dance, choir, brass instruments, marimba, gumboots dance, drama); Academic Support (including tutoring classes geared towards specific grade-levels, literacy, maths/numeracy); Life Skills (including Peer Education); and Greening and Environmental classes.
Programmes (2):
Numeric After-school Maths Program by Numeric
After-school mathematics programs run in partnership with primary schools in Khayelitsha, Mitchells Plain and Mfuleni.

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.
Programmes (3):
Growing Communities of Readers by FunDza Literacy Trust
FunDza works to get teens reading and writing for pleasure. We've created a 'library on a cellphone' filled with the specially created stories that hook young South African readers in, and keep them coming back for more. We reach teens where they spend their time, on their cellphones. Our Growing Communities of Readers programme provides quality South African literature to thousands of readers by leveraging the reach of basic cellphone technology on a platform that facilitates engagement and promotes discussion and interaction with the reader. To engage fully with the youth market, FunDza delivers reading material through its mobi network, accessible via a responsive web site, Mxit app and Android app. FunDza showcases and commissions content from a range of well-known authors. Further development is making this space even more interactive and community-oriented. Within this programme FunDza reaches on average 50,000 unique readers every month. The average session length is around 13 minutes, which indicates a high level of engagement with the platform and with the content. An evaluation of this programme by UCTs Monitoring and Evaluation Unit found that readers who engaged most frequently with the programme, were more likely to report that they read in greater quantities (amount and time spent), that they were more keen to read and that their language skills were improving. Join our #ReadingRevolution at and on Mxit.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

BOOST After School Research by Boost Africa Foundation
The learners from the Dunoon community and surrounds is free to come and make use of our computers, internet, printing facilities and work space to do their school projects. Assistance is provided and we also provide computer training so that the learners can do their own research.
Programmes (1):
Holiday Programme by Cape Leopard Trust
The annual holiday programme runs during the winter school holiday and provide up to 20 participants with a magical 10-day experience. Participants explore local resources such as the Two Oceans Aquarium, Natural History Museum and Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. They could even visit sites offered by our Day Excursions options. They take part in activities ranging from hiking and kayaking to learning about caracals being collared in the mountains and creating art from natural objects and clay. Topics vary depending on the group interest and the age of the participants.
Programmes (3):
Tutoring Programme by Emagqabini Education Academy NPC
Emagqabini Education Academy supports high school learners with tutoring - with a main focus on Mathematics, Maths Literacy, English and Physics. In addition to the tutoring, learners are supported with career and future planning support. The learners are also exposed to beyond Khayelitsha through quarterly educational excursions.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Innovate the Cape by Innovate South Africa
Innovate the Cape is a high school innovation challenge. An innovation ignition team runs design thinking workshops with youth around Cape Town asking learners to come up with solutions to local problems. The learners submit their ideas which are evaluated by an international judging panel. The the top groups are chosen to go through a prototyping phase. Each group is given seed funding, mentors and attend design thinking and entrepreneurship workshops to help them kickstart their ideas. At the end of the prototyping phase the groups have a final showcase to pitch for further funding.
Programmes (7):
The IT Entrepreneur (ITE) programme by Edunova
The ITE Programme is designed to support the use of ICT in schools by recruiting, placing, training, developing and mentoring young adults to carry out this work This programme is for both primary and high schools The assumption is that a number of schools participate as cluster This programme provides the young adult with a training programme to dramatically improve their chance of being employed The ongoing lack of ICT skills in the school environment enables this programme to be viable, well received and effective The programme is much more than an ICT course and supports the young adult in developing a well-rounded set of skills enabling him/her to be prepared for a range of work opportunities

Innovate the Cape by Innovate South Africa
Innovate the Cape is a high school innovation challenge. An innovation ignition team runs design thinking workshops with youth around Cape Town asking learners to come up with solutions to local problems. The learners submit their ideas which are evaluated by an international judging panel. The the top groups are chosen to go through a prototyping phase. Each group is given seed funding, mentors and attend design thinking and entrepreneurship workshops to help them kickstart their ideas. At the end of the prototyping phase the groups have a final showcase to pitch for further funding.

Schoool Curriculum Based Interactive Workshops by Beyond Expectation Environmental Project
BEEP realised that its not enough to insists that -education is the key to life -, as our current educational syllabus doesn't seem to provide pupils with any learnings that are skill orientated or that are intended to help them to unlock their skills, nurture and sharpen their skills for the betterment of their future especially at the young age. It is that reason BEEP invests through its daily workshops in 8 different schools in services such as leadership development, confidence building, capacity building, literacy skills development, mentorship, motivational talks development, agricultural or food security skills and most importantly entrepreneurial skills. Therefore BEEP in partnership with UCT (Global Risk Governance Program) runs daily Curriculum Based Interactive Workshops in 8 different schools as mentioned above. BEEP work with these pupils from grade 5 until grade 12 and the workshops are currently been ran by the same pupils who are also the beneficiaries of the program but whom are in higher grades. BEEP mentors its beneficiaries from grade 8 until they get to University and Beyond. It must be said that the BEEP staff and its volunteers are made of its beneficiaries. BEEP also takes these beneficiaries on trips up Table Mountain in order for them to reconnect with nature and to connect with themselves whilst learning about the importance of looking after their own environmental hence we call ourselves Beyond Expectation Environmental Project.

Hope Scholars Programme by South African Education and Environment Project
A new group of 160 grade 8 learners from three Philippi high schools join the Hope Scholars Programme annually and continue with the programme into grade 9 the following year. We take them through a two year process of academic development (Mathematics, English Literacy and Natural Science) and personal growth, while also providing them and their families with psycho-social support. Our full programme includes: - Intensive academic and enrichment camps during school holidays - Academic and career guidance, particularly for grade 9's choosing their grade 10 subjects - Social work, counselling and psycho-social support (including their families, where required) - Outings and excursions that expose learners to careers in maths and the sciences - Environmental education integration in lessons and through outings, excursions and hikes

Hope Scholars Programme by SAEP
The Hope Scholars programme seeks to address unsatisfactory achievement in mathematics, science and English literacy in under-resourced South African schools. SAEP takes grade eight and nine learners through a two-year process of academic and personal development to prepare them for high school success and assists them to excel in later grades by focusing on maths, science and English literacy. The project provides: Mathematics, science and English after-school tutoring, which is delivered by full-time staff, volunteers and professional tutors. Specialised English literacy and reading sessions that are designed to foster critical thinking and analytical skills, which are essential for learners' success in other subjects. Life skills and career guidance: along with personal development sessions, these are crucial to the childrens progress and help to reduce dropout rates later on. Academic and enrichment camps and outings allow learners to spend time outdoors and engage in activities that stimulate an interest in maths and science. Psycho-social support is offered to address non-academic barriers to learning through home visits, parent meetings and access to a social worker. The project aims to equip learners with the academic and life skills needed to thrive in Grades 10 to 12 and achieve strong academic results.

Afterschool Program by Iinkokheli
Iinkhokheli runs an afterschool program focused on 3 main areas up and above providing a safe environment to learners after school namely: Arts and culture We do drama, art and poetry with learners in both Primary and High School - directly with school and also partnering to provide the service for other organisations. Academic support We mainly focus on literacy support and reading for learners. Also assist them with their homework support if needed. Lifeskills we intergrate lifeskills in all our programs but also run sessions to support learners to become leaders in their own spaces.

Adolescent and Youth-Friendly Space by Amandla Development
The Adolescent and Youth-Friendly Space was created as a collaborative effort between Amandla Development, Cesvi Foundation, and Sizakuyenza. It's a safe space for young people to come to engage in positive after-school activity, where they also get sexual health education, resources, and HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT), free of stigma. Research has demonstrated that too few of the community's youth feel safe using community clinics for their needs. We also know that we have a high rate of teenage pregnancy and HIV. But the AYFS is turning the tide in Philippi.
Programmes (3):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
PSPs Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) is a two-year cycle of mentorship that supports first-time teachers in their early years in the profession, fast-tracking their adjustment to the school and teaching environments and ensuring they are well-prepared to teach. The project responds to a pattern in South Africa of new teachers leaving the occupation within their first few years of teaching, often due to being overwhelmed by the challenges and realities of the classroom. The PSP aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical training they have received at university or teacher training institutions, and the realities of classroom practice and managing workloads, in order to encourage more confident, knowledgeable and better-equipped teachers. Each first-time teacher (FTT) enrolled in the Project is assigned a PSP Mentor who will coach and support them over the next 2 years. The PSP Mentor visits the teacher in their school to discuss the challenges and difficulties they face, and a tailored plan of integrated support is drawn up. The PSP Mentor also joins the FTT in their classroom to observe HOW they teach, noting any additional obstacles and tackling these issues through coaching, training and materials support.

Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.
Programmes (2):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.
Programmes (2):
Tutoring programme by IkamvaYouth
IkamvaYouth's tutoring programme enables learners to improve their grades. Additional objectives include: Improve confidence in speaking English Provide a space for intellectual debate Supplementary tutoring sessions are held on Saturday mornings. Homework sessions and extra classes are held after school. Tutoring and extra classes are also held during holiday programmes.

Growing Communities of Readers by FunDza Literacy Trust
FunDza works to get teens reading and writing for pleasure. We've created a 'library on a cellphone' filled with the specially created stories that hook young South African readers in, and keep them coming back for more. We reach teens where they spend their time, on their cellphones. Our Growing Communities of Readers programme provides quality South African literature to thousands of readers by leveraging the reach of basic cellphone technology on a platform that facilitates engagement and promotes discussion and interaction with the reader. To engage fully with the youth market, FunDza delivers reading material through its mobi network, accessible via a responsive web site, Mxit app and Android app. FunDza showcases and commissions content from a range of well-known authors. Further development is making this space even more interactive and community-oriented. Within this programme FunDza reaches on average 50,000 unique readers every month. The average session length is around 13 minutes, which indicates a high level of engagement with the platform and with the content. An evaluation of this programme by UCTs Monitoring and Evaluation Unit found that readers who engaged most frequently with the programme, were more likely to report that they read in greater quantities (amount and time spent), that they were more keen to read and that their language skills were improving. Join our #ReadingRevolution at and on Mxit.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (5):
Maths@Home by Green Shoots
Maths@Home is perfect for any group/school/organisation who want to support their learners with Maths without needing to have a Maths teacher on-site. Maths@Home allows a structured and accountable homework system that learners enjoy using. We have support materials for facilitators to help them run sessions and support & encourage learners. Maths@Home is available for grades 3, 4, 5 & 6. Learners can work at their own pace and target specific topics to practise. Brain Quests are 15 minutes long and are instantly marked. Learners can attempt more difficult questions as they master each topic. The final Brian Challenge allows learners to practice examination styles (ANA) questions. The Maths content of Maths@Home is structured according to the CAPS. Parents and learners can track achievement topic by topic throughout the term. Maths@Home is the perfect preparation tool for school and external assessments, including the Annual National Assessment for Mathematics.

Reading Eggs by Click Foundation Trust
Reading Eggs intervention is to assist learners achieve English literacy proficiency at an age appropriate level and beyond. Our focus is on learners from Grade R to Grade 4, in formal school environments. As a secondary target group we will assist informal environments (ECD and Afterschool) with access to the programme. The programme: Supports acquisition of foundation phase literacy skills and can back-fill gaps Online, phonetics based Provides visual and auditory instruction (reading games, activities, songs, animation, rewards) Repetition, revision and consolidation of skills Individualised (1:1) and self-paced learning Requires only basic facilitation We have created a job opportunity model with the employment of facilitators from the local community to work in the school's computer lab. The role has been a job creation opportunity for out-of-work youth and parents who have displayed an interest in technology and in working with their local communities.Where possible, we have leveraged existing unused, or under-utilised computer rooms. The environments are co-ordinated and managed by existing staff or facilitators. Visit for more information.

Mentoring facilitators of after-school programs by Outliers
To achieve our goal of improving access to free quality education through after-school programs, we mentor facilitators and support them in 5 key areas: 1. We help create safe spaces for learning by conducting site visits and assisting with developing policies for good governance and child protection. 2. We increase access to academic resources by partnering with suppliers of quality, contextual resources at reduced cost to our after-school programs. 3. We provide training for tutors in basic literacy and numeracy skills, as well as other teaching skills such as recognizing learning styles or learning disorders. 4. We equip mentors for career development by training mentors and providing them with tools to help students build navigational capacity and make further study and work plans. 5. We grow a social network to create new connections to opportunity for students in the after-school programs, including opportunities such as job shadows, internships, bursaries and scholarships.

Year Beyond by Shine Literacy
Through Shines partnership with the Western Cape Education Departments Year Beyond Programme, we are training and supporting unemployed matriculants and graduates to deliver the Shine Literacy Hour in underperforming primary schools. This not only takes our proven programme to more schools and children, but also provides valuable leadership and self-development opportunities to young adults. The Shine Literacy Hour supports primary school children to strengthen their English reading, writing and speaking skills.

Year Beyond by Action Volunteers Africa
YearBeyond (Yebo) was initiated to complement the MOD programme and introduces the required homework and academic support programme elements to enable a well rounded learner who is able to excel in the school environment. This programme is offered after school. AVA is responsible for the recruitment and training of volunteers who offer the programme in the after-school space, as well as managing the programme in 11 schools.
Programmes (1):
Education Programme by Just Grace NPC
Just Grace is a non-profit company with the overarching objective of poverty alleviation in Langa, Cape Town. Our first initiative is our Education Programme which involves after-school tutoring, mentoring, career guidance, university/college application assistance, and computer training for grade 10, 11 and 12 learners. The programme is open to any learners who live or attend school in Langa. This programme is designed to assist the youth in Langa to reach their full potential and to allow them to meaningfully contribute to society.
Programmes (2):
Year Beyond by Action Volunteers Africa
YearBeyond (Yebo) was initiated to complement the MOD programme and introduces the required homework and academic support programme elements to enable a well rounded learner who is able to excel in the school environment. This programme is offered after school. AVA is responsible for the recruitment and training of volunteers who offer the programme in the after-school space, as well as managing the programme in 11 schools.

Mentoring facilitators of after-school programs by Outliers
To achieve our goal of improving access to free quality education through after-school programs, we mentor facilitators and support them in 5 key areas: 1. We help create safe spaces for learning by conducting site visits and assisting with developing policies for good governance and child protection. 2. We increase access to academic resources by partnering with suppliers of quality, contextual resources at reduced cost to our after-school programs. 3. We provide training for tutors in basic literacy and numeracy skills, as well as other teaching skills such as recognizing learning styles or learning disorders. 4. We equip mentors for career development by training mentors and providing them with tools to help students build navigational capacity and make further study and work plans. 5. We grow a social network to create new connections to opportunity for students in the after-school programs, including opportunities such as job shadows, internships, bursaries and scholarships.
Programmes (1):
Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (1):
Music Smart by Smart Kingdom Kids Academy
Teaching of theory. We are the first music school in the area of Lavender Hill, Seawinds, Vrygrond and Capricorn. We offer an holistic creative enhancement programme teaching our beneficiaries to read music and play the recorder as a start- out instrument. Children and individuals then have a choice to choose and instrument of choice and we offer the training. The training is on offer for this year until September 2018. The cut- off date for 2019 registration for new students will be end November 2018. We offer training in the following instruments: recorder ghitar keyboard violin drums Our afterschool programme: This programme includes literacy, spelling reading and comprehension. We support the learner with projects and homework. We offer computer training Life skills Teaching the learner about life and smart choices. Smart self. learning to know who i am and how to care for myself. Smart choices The power of choice and decision making We offer an therapeutic counselling to learners available on request.
Programmes (1):
Numeric After-school Maths Program by Numeric
After-school mathematics programs run in partnership with primary schools in Khayelitsha, Mitchells Plain and Mfuleni.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (3):
Ready Steady Read Write by Wordworks
This programme is designed for Grade R to build a solid language and literacy foundation and as an early intervention in Grade One. It can also be used to support Grade Two and Three children to learn to speak, read and write in a second language. Wordworks trains and mentors site Co-ordinators who manage and support tutors to work with pairs of children, on a weekly basis for at least six months. Many of the tutors are women who volunteer from local school communities. No qualifications are required. This programme is for tutors working with children aged 5-8 years.

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

Technical Teaching Assistants by Green Shoots
Technical Teaching Assistants (TTAs) are placed in schools to support the teachers in such a way that the teachers develop confidence in the use of ITs. Post Matric individuals living in the communities where the schools are located are trained & mentored as part of this 2 year work-readiness programme. These TTAs become part of the immediate school community with a clearly defined career path. When surveyed 90% of young people on our TTA programme indicated that they would be pursuing further studies within 1-2 years, with several of our skills development trainees have subsequently pursued careers in teaching.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (6):
Year Beyond by Action Volunteers Africa
YearBeyond (Yebo) was initiated to complement the MOD programme and introduces the required homework and academic support programme elements to enable a well rounded learner who is able to excel in the school environment. This programme is offered after school. AVA is responsible for the recruitment and training of volunteers who offer the programme in the after-school space, as well as managing the programme in 11 schools.

Maths@Home by Green Shoots
Maths@Home is perfect for any group/school/organisation who want to support their learners with Maths without needing to have a Maths teacher on-site. Maths@Home allows a structured and accountable homework system that learners enjoy using. We have support materials for facilitators to help them run sessions and support & encourage learners. Maths@Home is available for grades 3, 4, 5 & 6. Learners can work at their own pace and target specific topics to practise. Brain Quests are 15 minutes long and are instantly marked. Learners can attempt more difficult questions as they master each topic. The final Brian Challenge allows learners to practice examination styles (ANA) questions. The Maths content of Maths@Home is structured according to the CAPS. Parents and learners can track achievement topic by topic throughout the term. Maths@Home is the perfect preparation tool for school and external assessments, including the Annual National Assessment for Mathematics.

Reading Eggs by Click Foundation Trust
Reading Eggs intervention is to assist learners achieve English literacy proficiency at an age appropriate level and beyond. Our focus is on learners from Grade R to Grade 4, in formal school environments. As a secondary target group we will assist informal environments (ECD and Afterschool) with access to the programme. The programme: Supports acquisition of foundation phase literacy skills and can back-fill gaps Online, phonetics based Provides visual and auditory instruction (reading games, activities, songs, animation, rewards) Repetition, revision and consolidation of skills Individualised (1:1) and self-paced learning Requires only basic facilitation We have created a job opportunity model with the employment of facilitators from the local community to work in the school's computer lab. The role has been a job creation opportunity for out-of-work youth and parents who have displayed an interest in technology and in working with their local communities.Where possible, we have leveraged existing unused, or under-utilised computer rooms. The environments are co-ordinated and managed by existing staff or facilitators. Visit for more information.

Year Beyond by Shine Literacy
Through Shines partnership with the Western Cape Education Departments Year Beyond Programme, we are training and supporting unemployed matriculants and graduates to deliver the Shine Literacy Hour in underperforming primary schools. This not only takes our proven programme to more schools and children, but also provides valuable leadership and self-development opportunities to young adults. The Shine Literacy Hour supports primary school children to strengthen their English reading, writing and speaking skills.

Cluster Project by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
The Cluster Project - a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with specific project schools in collaboration with the Education Department, benefiting over 300 teachers per cycle. PSPs Cluster Project works in collaboration with the Education Department. It is a two-year cycle of intensive training and classroom coaching and support with foundation phase Mathematics teachers and intermediate phase Natural Sciences & Technology (NST) teachers, from small clusters of schools identified by the Department as the most in need.

Reader Rescue by Kadesh International
Reader Rescue focuses on the holistic development of learners. It encompasses literacy, sport, academic support ,social integration, environmental awareness and life skills.
Programmes (1):
Main Focus: English FAL Support Programmes to Foundation Phase Intermediate / GET / FET Phases by Edu-Pro Education Strategists
1. FAL Support programmes aimed at learners where LoLT is English, but HL indigenous. 2. Whole School Transformation: -Management and Leadership workshop with under-performing primary and High schools; -sharpening teaching skills / content knowledge of Maths/ Science / content subject educators in week-end workshops; motivational camps with under-performing matriculants / subject groups; winter schools in Mathematics / Phys. Science / Life Science Accounting / other content subjects In June / Sept school holidays; on site visits to monitor progress; NB: visit www. for further information.
Programmes (2):
Mathletics by 3P Learning
Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to the South African mathematics curriculum across Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers. Mathletics supports and caters to each teachers unique blend of student-driven learning and teacher-led instruction.

Primary School Maths and Sciences Community Based by Ithemba Lethu Learning Centre
This programme provides 3 hourly sessions per week ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ) after lessons have finished for 30 to 35 weeks in a school year.It operates at 11 schools and we focus on grades 6 and 7. The number of learners in this programme, the average is 1000.
Programmes (4):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
PSPs Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) is a two-year cycle of mentorship that supports first-time teachers in their early years in the profession, fast-tracking their adjustment to the school and teaching environments and ensuring they are well-prepared to teach. The project responds to a pattern in South Africa of new teachers leaving the occupation within their first few years of teaching, often due to being overwhelmed by the challenges and realities of the classroom. The PSP aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical training they have received at university or teacher training institutions, and the realities of classroom practice and managing workloads, in order to encourage more confident, knowledgeable and better-equipped teachers. Each first-time teacher (FTT) enrolled in the Project is assigned a PSP Mentor who will coach and support them over the next 2 years. The PSP Mentor visits the teacher in their school to discuss the challenges and difficulties they face, and a tailored plan of integrated support is drawn up. The PSP Mentor also joins the FTT in their classroom to observe HOW they teach, noting any additional obstacles and tackling these issues through coaching, training and materials support.

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.
Programmes (1):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.
Programmes (1):
iKasi Media "This is Me!" by iKasi Media
This is me will be an after school six week project, where up to thirty learners will be chosen through a selection process, Group One will consist of learners who will have submitted Selfie videos of dance, rap, singing or poetry. The selected learners will be placed into specific workshops run by subject matter experts. This is to assist these learners to develop their natural talent and create a unique product. Workshops will include choreography & dance, vocal training, beat making, stage performance, poetry and life skills will be a strong focus through all these sessions. Group Two is aimed at learners who have a different talent. For them we will host an exciting MOJO workshop, where we skill them to film using their mobile phones. These learners will become the digital story tellers of the project and will be assigned to an artist to film In-the-life-of style video clips. Once all the training and production has been completed, the project will be concluded in a Showcase where the videos filmed by learners will be screened and the artists will take to the stage. This showcase will be professionally filmed, a copy will be delivered to Cape Town TV for broadcast and DVD copies will be available through the schools as a keepsake.
Programmes (1):
PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.
Programmes (1):
Stability by Ikusasa
This programme provides support to grade 8 and 9 learners in the first years of their high school experience. It aims to give them a stable environment as they adjust to the challenges of new learning environments. In this programme our focus is primarily on Maths, Science, and Business Studies.
Programmes (4):
Home–School Partnerships by Wordworks
This programme is designed to facilitate a learning space for parents in which to share knowledge and ideas about children’s language and early literacy development. The programme builds co-operation between families and schools, and encourages parents in their role as their children’s first teachers. Wordworks trains, provides resources and mentors facilitators, who run weekly workshops for parents and caregivers of children aged five to eight years. The workshops run for 21⁄2 hours a week over eight weeks. Workshops are usually run at schools by Foundation Phase teachers, but successful programmes have also been run by librarians and NGO trainers at community centres.

PfP alumni by Symphonia for South Africa
Once they have completed the year-long PfP programme, school principals qualify for the PfP alumni programme. This gives them access to the active PfP community, with its 600+ schools nation-wide. Whether or not PfP alumni principals remain in partnership with their business partners beyond the PfP year, they all have access to the alumni benefits. Along with their SMTs and teachers, they are invited to School Leadership Forum (SLF) events and other events organized by or with Symphonia for South Africa for continuous learning on relevant matters. They are informed of any opportunities that come our way, such as placement of interns or volunteers, specific corporate programmes, etc. They are able to use the PfP network to amplify news which they want to share with the world, or to ask for support in specific matters.

EduSport by Play Sport4Life NPC
One of PS4Ls primary objectives is to support educational institutions, particularly schools, through improvement of facilities and physical educational enrichment programs as well as innovative after school programs. Many of the most disadvantaged schools in South Africa have little to no capacity for funding physical education or sport for their learners. In order to provide physical education to learners, they are reliant on external aid and assistance. Learners are provided with advanced physical education during their Life Orientation classes as part of our EduSport program Trained and experienced PS4L coaches conduct the classes, clinics, and after school programs. The activities are planned according to the developmental need of learners and in consultation with the schools sports coordinator and principal. The consultation between PS4L, the coaching staff, and school management ensures that the work of PS4L is of the upmost value to the learners. The physical education classes and after school sport programs are focused on the development of motor skills; hand-eye coordination; improving discipline and the values of good sportsmanship; building stamina and improving general health and wellbeing; and promoting a positive attitude towards health and physical activity in general. Through sport, children have a real opportunity to gain confidence and a voice.

Volunteer Reading Help by help2read
Our Volunteer Reading Help programme supports children who attend suburban schools but come from disadvantaged communities. These children often do not speak English as their primary language, and so benefit greatly from the one-on-one literacy tutoring they receive from our trained volunteers.
Programmes (3):
Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 to 6) Mathematics Support by The Principals Academy
This programme commenced in 2015. Intermediate phase teachers from these schools who teach Mathematics, attend one-hour workshops in the afternoons after school, on a weekly basis (approximately 8 workshops per term). Programme design process. establishing in the learners a strong foundational knowledge of Maths tables, bonds and general numeracy skills through the Mental Maths programme building learners knowledge of the concepts required in the curriculum with the emphasis on the use of concrete materials leading to understanding followed by targeted practice equipping teachers with a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject improving teaching skills and methodology covering concepts required by the WCED CAPS curriculum developing effective assessment tools and processes

Maths Curriculum Online by Green Shoots
Key features of MCO: - Cloud based - Provides learner performance analysis per learner/ per class/ per topic - Provides a structured, weekly programme that covers the key concepts and assessment objectives of the Maths CAPS for grades 3-9 - Mirrors the language, examples and objectives found in the Education Department workbooks and external examinations - Is available in English and Afrikaans - Uses a per learner log in to provide per learner, per question results - All questions are auto-marked and available for learners and educators to review online - Educators can download learner results Green Shoots curriculum staff can provide District feedback, SMT & teacher training, continuing professional development & pedagogical support in order to facilitate the implementation of Maths Curriculum Online.

Shine Chapters by Shine Literacy
Shine Chapters are social franchises that deliver the Shine Literacy Hour model but are run and funded independently. Shine provides initial training and assists with resources, as well as providing ongoing support and monitoring. The Chapters are a smart solution for replicating our essential model, helping us to spread knowledge more widely and to reach far more children than we could on our own. Shine Centres and Chapters provide individualised support to children in Grades Two and Three to strengthen their English reading, writing and speaking skills. Children work with trained volunteers once or twice a week, during the school day, for at least one year.
Programmes (1):
Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) by Western Cape Primary science Programme (PSP)
PSPs Joint Mentorship Project (JMP) is a two-year cycle of mentorship that supports first-time tea